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Two Weeks Later

"Are you ready?" Ramon asked offering Diana a hand. She gratefully took it and stood up to straighten her dress. She gave Ramon a thankful smile that he half-heartedly returned. They were both trying so hard to stay strong. "I've never been more ready." Diana said as Ramon watched her face transform. He didn't want her to do this. He knew his brother wouldn't want this, but there was no telling Diana Blackwood no. Especially after all she had gone through.

Diana's blood was hot with a fierce anger that fueled her rage, but her heart. Her heart was broken and shattered into a billion pieces. Her heartache consumed her so much that she found it hard to sleep or eat. Diana realized she found it hard to exist.

It took Theodore's tongue lashing for Diana to do as she was told. She refused to stay in Guillermo's room without him and sleeping at her old penthouse was out of the question. She wasn't eating, showering or doing anything for herself outside of crying and grabbing minutes of fitful sleep.

After a few days they convinced her to move in with Gael and Sophia as she was deteriorating before their very eyes and quickly and someone needed to watch her. It had been a couple of weeks since the incident and she had lost ten pounds. It killed them to see her like this.

"We both know Guillermo would not want you doing this." Ramon said with a grave expression on his face, but his eyes held a fury that matched Diana's. "No, he wouldn't." She said looking at him with sad eyes. "But he'd be so damn proud of me." Diana murmured lifting her head to look at the ceiling when she felt tears start to mist in her eyes.

Ramon looked away and towards Sophia and Gael who stood right alongside him with a hand on his shoulder. They were all hurting. Sophia had Gael. Theodore had Roger. Diana was supposed to have Guillermo. They were supposed to have this epic and grand love story and it was stolen from them by the hands of Jacques Jousset.

"You can do this, boo." Sophia said giving her a newfound strength. Diana swallowed hard before following Ramon and Gael downstairs into the secluded basement of Guillermo's headquarters. At the closed doors, Diana closed her fist to try and stop the shaking.

"I can do this. For Guillermo." Diana whispered to herself. "Here," Ramon said handing her one of Guillermo's guns. "I'll be right behind you. Sophia, go wait upstairs." Gael instructed. Sophia looked at her best friend and was torn. She knew she needed this. She deserved this, but she also knew there was no coming back from this.

Ramon effortlessly twirled his knife around his fingers. There was a blood seeking vengeance taking over all of them. When Gael opened the door the feeling of vengeance heightened exponentially to the point that Diana was gritting her teeth together.

Jacques and the three men responsible for Sophia and Gael's accident were in the middle of the room. Their wrists were bounded by chains hanging from the ceiling as they balanced on the tops of their toes. The sight would have had the old Diana grimacing, but a sadistic smirk made its way to her lips now.

Jacques lifted his head when he heard them entering. A patronizing, but tired smile formed on his chapped lips. "Hi gorgeous. You don't look too good." Jacques teased as he watched her walk to a tray in the corner of the room. Ramon was quiet behind her as Diana set Guillermo's gun down and put on surgical gloves.

Humming and pursing her lips in thought as she scanned the various items on the tray for use. Diana opted for a pair of pliers and smiled. "What? You think you're some bad bitch mafia queen because he told you so? You don't have it in you, whore." Jacques remarked with a grin when Diana stood right in front of him. He was sweaty, dirty and he smelled like the filthiest goat.

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