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They drove in a comfortable silence before they pulled up to a very familiar spot. "How did you know about this place? No one knows about this place. This is MY place!" Guillermo laughed turning off the car. "Sophia." Diana rolled her eyes before nodding.

She waited for Guillermo to open her door before they stepped out. Houston Botanical Gardens was apparently Diana's favorite place. Sophia let him know that whether she was happy or sad she would come there and all would be well by the time she left. "Why do you like this place so much?"

Diana let out a sigh before looking ahead at the beautiful flowers as they walked. "My relationship with my mom isn't really the best. Now that I'm older I realize that not all women are meant to be mothers. She wasn't physically abusive or anything, but verbally and emotionally..."

He watched as she held a faraway look. "She had few moments when she was the model mother though and I loved those times. One of the things we would do together in those moments is garden. She would talk to me about things that just made her more human and I loved it. Whenever I'm around flowers or really just nature it takes me back and I'm happier. I feel worthy."

Guillermo looked at her while rubbing her hand that was in his. He didn't know the full story, but it was obvious that the topic was touchy. He didn't want to dig, but he did want to know what all transpired to cause her eyes to mist with tears in that moment.

I can't kill her mother, or can I? He thought to himself as Diana stopped in front of an exhibit. It was a glass blown structure in an intricate shape that Guillermo could tell she loved. He immediately got an idea for the sixth and final date and sent off a quick email while she admired the piece.

They spent an hour and a half exploring the grounds and talking. Guillermo realized that not only did Diana make him smile like no other, but she made him laugh louder than anyone could.

"You did not do that!" Guillermo said laughing. "I sure did. She called me a dirty, black bitch so I let the whole school know just how dirty her ass was by releasing that she had lice all those times she was on "vacation" and stuffing her backpack with roaches to drive my point home."

Guillermo was crying. "That is both the most disgusting and funniest shit I've heard." Diana smiled at him. "Malik helped, but I took the rap for it because he could not afford another suspension."

Guillermo quieted down thinking pensively. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but what's the deal with you and him?" Diana sighed loudly as they headed back to the parking lot.

"Malik and I met in the 6th grade and just clicked. Everything made sense. We were those besties that finished the other's sentence and ordered their food while they were away because you just knew them like the back of your hand." She let out a breath.

"Then puberty happened and we did what teens do. I knew I loved him, but hormones let me realize earlier than him that I was actually in love with him. I told him my feelings and he shut me down. Said we're best as friends, but could keep up with the benefits."

Guillermo scoffed angrily not looking at her. She squeezed and caressed his hand before continuing. "The feelings aren't there anymore, but I haven't been in love with anyone since. I care about Malik very much. He and I are and will always be best friends, but I can't keep doing what we were doing. I was going to end it even before you came along, because I want and deserve more."

"I deserve to be with a man who will love me wholeheartedly and cherish me as I will him." Guillermo looked down at her before pushing her up against the car. "You deserve all of that and so much more, mi amor and I am going to be the man to give you all that you want, need and desire."

Dirtying DianaWhere stories live. Discover now