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It's been 2 weeks since I got discharged from the hospital. Every one has been round to meet Rosie and they all instantly fell in love with her. The twins are incredible. They want to be around her all the time and have taken there roles as big sister and big brother very seriously.
Chris was so sweet and bought Rosie a gift from the twins. It was an adorable teddy with her name on. He also bought me flowers and chocolates. He is too good to me.
The twins are in school today, so it's just me at home at the moment. Chris had a meeting he needed to go too.
Rosie is asleep and I'm resting on the sofa. I hear a knock on the door and I groan. I get up and open the door. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Where is my daughter?"
"You can't see her"
"Yes I can she is mine. Your coming home with me" he grabs my arm and tries to pull me out of the house. I cry out. Scott comes running to the door. "Get off her!"
"And who the hell are you?"
"I'm her brother now get off her"
I pull my hand out of his and hide behind scott.
"I'm not going anywhere with you Joe. Your not supposed to be here. Your breaking the law"
"I don't care. Your mine do you understand"
All of a sudden, Joe is pulled back with a huge amount of force. He falls on the floor and then I look up and chris is stood in front of me and scott.
I hear Rosie crying, chris looks back at me "go and sort the baby out Nik, I'll be there in a minute" I just nod and walk back into the house.
I grab hold of Rosie and run to my room. I can hear shouting and I'm sobbing with my baby in my arms. I'm so scared. What if Joe hurts them? I couldn't handle that. I hear the front door slam and foot steps coming towards the room. I hear a knock and it makes me jump.
"Nikki it's me. Can I come in?"
It was chris "come in" I sit down on the bed and he looks over at me.
I just shake my head "I'm so sorry"
"Why are you sorry?"
"I'm dragging you into all this"
"Don't be silly"
He turns around and goes to the door, he shouts down to scott.
"Can you take Rosie please? She is hungry there is a bottle in the fridge"
"Of course" chris takes Rosie from me and hands her to scott.
As soon as he leaves the room, I let out the loudest scream. I'm shaking...I can't stop crying.
Chris is by my side in seconds and his arms are wrapped around me. He is gently rocking me back and forth and stroking my hair. He whispers to me "your safe. I'm not going to let him touch you or the kids okay"
I can't speak, I can't function right now. All I know is the only place I feel safe is with Chris's arms around me.

I don't know how long I'm sat there with him. But I know it's been a while.
"Are you okay?" Chris's words make me jump. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you"
"It's okay. And no I'm not okay. I don't know how I'm ever going to be with him around"
"Well when you feel up to it, we are going to the police and telling them everything okay. He broke the restraining order so he is going to be arrested for that"
"Chris? I'm not strong enough to fight him"
He lifts my chin so he look into my eyes "you are the strongest woman I know and I'm going to be by your side the entire time"
"Chris? I'm...."
"Do not say sorry okay. This isn't your fault"
I just nod and lean my forehead on his. I close my eyes and I feel a few stray tears fall. He wipes them away with his thumb. I look up at him and he is staring right into my eyes. He leans in and places a soft kiss on my lips. He pulls away. I smile and go to kiss him again but we are both interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Sorry, Rosie is asleep and I'm not sure where to put her"
Chris smiles "I'm coming scott." He looks back at me "go take a bath and relax. I'll sort Rosie and get the twins okay"
"Chris you don't have too"
"I want too" he smiles and kisses the top of my head. He opens the door and takes Rosie from scott. I hear him talking to her "come on princess, let's leave mummy to relax and go and get your brother and sister"
I just smile. He is amazing with her, with all of the kids.
I don't know what the kiss meant. It's twice now we've kissed and I'm not sure what it means. I was madly in love with chris all the way through high school but he never once thought of me like that. When I came here. It was because him and his family are my safe place and when I saw chris again I knew I never stopped loving him. But it's all so confusing with the kids and with Joe. I just don't know what to do.
I run my bath and relax in the bubbles. I don't know what him and scott did to Joe but I knew he would be back. He always gets what he wants.

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