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Chris POV

I wake up to my phone ringing, I grab it before it wakes Nikki and Rosie. It's my mum. She is bringing the twins back in half an hour.
I gently wake Nikki and she smiles up at me, "hey. Mum is bringing Noah and Jessica back"
She gets up and checks on Rosie, she is still asleep so we go into the kitchen and make a drink.
"Sorry I fell asleep on you"
"It's perfectly ok"
She smiles over at me and I can't help but smile back. We are just finishing our drinks when the door opens and in runs the twins. They come straight into the kitchen
I scoop them up and spin them around "hello you two. God I've missed ya"
"We missed you too"
My mum walks in "hey, how is she?"
"She is doing okay thank you Lisa" Nikki hugs my mum "and thank you for having the kids"
"Of course no problem at all"
I take the kids outside so we can play while Nikki
And my mum talk. We are running around when Noah stops and looks at me "chris?"
"Yes buddy"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
We sit down and he gets in my lap, Jessica comes over too.
"Are you our new dad?"
"Cuz your always here for us and you and mummy are really close and we would love for you to be our dad because you love us and you play with us"
"I would be honoured to be your dad guys but that's something me and you mum would have to talk about okay"
They nod and hug me tightly. I love them both so much and I would be so honoured if they called me dad but at the moment I don't know what's going on with me and Nikki so I don't want to confuse them more .

Nikki POV

I'm talking to Lisa when Rosie wakes up, i head on in and pick her up.
"Hello princess, how are you feeling"
She babbles and coos. She is hungry so I go and grab her bottle for her. When I come back in the twins are sat on the sofa and chris is stood by the door.
"Everything okay?"
"All good"
I sit and feed Rosie while we all talk and catch up. Lisa leaves after about an hour or so, she has some errands to sort.
"Can chris stay please?"
I look over at chris "if he wants to stay he can"
He looks at me and smiles "I would love too"
I don't know if I'm making the right decision or not but I have to try.
We all have pizza for dinner and then chris helps me bath the kids and settle them for bed. Once there all settled we clean the house up and then decide to relax outside.
We are sat staring up at the stars when chris speaks
"Nikki we need to talk"
"I know we do" I turn so I'm facing him. Are knees touching.
"Nikki, I'm so sorry for what happened. When I got home I had ever intention of breaking up with Minika and then when I saw her she looked upset. She had an argument with her family and I wimped out. I didn't want to cause her more upset. Which was stupid because I ended up upsetting you instead and I didn't want that. I know I stood you up and I didn't warn you about Minika coming to the party. And all I can say is I'm stupid and I'm sorry. But I don't regret that night and I meant it when I said I love you. I spent so long denying my feelings for you thinking you didn't feel the same but then I found out you did and I just wanted to be with you more then anything"
"Chris take a breath" I laugh "I know your sorry and you didn't mean to hurt me. Truth is we should have spoken about the first time we kissed instead of just leaving it and pretending it didn't effect us. You had every right to want to protect Minika. She never did anything wrong. She was actually very sweet."
"She was. But I never felt for her what I feel for you"
"I know chris. And I love you too. I should have said it back straight away and I'm sorry I didn't. I'm just scared chris because if I let you into my heart then I leave myself open to pain and I've been through so much already. I don't think me or the kids would survive"
"You know I would never purposely hurt you ever"
"I know"
I move closer and cup his face "chris evans I have been in love with you since I was 15 years old"
He giggles "why did you tell me sooner"
"I was scared you would never feel the same"
"So we both had the same feelings at the same time and we never told each other"
"Pretty much"
"We are idiots"
We both laugh and then he cups my cheek and pulls me to him. Kissing me softly and passionately. There was so much to work through but at the end of the day this man was my everything and I needed him.
He pulled away and smiled at me and then said something I never thought I would hear "marry me Nikki"

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