Chapter 12

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Bella's POV

"I've missed this." Jasper smiled as he picked up his beer from the coffee table and sipped from it. Emmett nodded as he finished the last slice of pizza. Alice was sprawled across the couch with her head on Jasper's lap while Rosalie sat below Emmett and rested her arm on his knees. Edward and I were sitting next to each other facing the television. A Knicks game was going on and everyone was clearly engrossed in it.

"Me too." I agreed without looking at Jasper.

"I wish we didn't have to leave." Alice groaned.

"You guys can stay over if y'all want." I mumbled as my eyes stayed glued to the tv.

"Really?" Alice looked up, excitement glowing in her eyes.

"Hell yeah!" Emmett boomed and kissed Rosalie on the forehead. Rosalie giggled and looked down, blushing.

"Maybe I'll go home instead." Edward muttered and everyone's eyes shot to him, excluding mine.

"Why!" Alice whined.

"Aw come on, Edward. We can play poker all night!" Emmett playfully punched Edward's arm.

"Bella! Ask Edward to stay!" Alice casually called over to me and I rolled my eyes.

"As if he ever listens to me." I muttered under my breath but I was pretty sure Edward heard me. Rosalie lightly touched my arm and gave me a meaningful look and I frowned.

I got up and carried the pizza boxes. "The more the merrier but it's still his choice." I said before I made my way outside and dumped the boxes into the rubbish bin.


Edward eventually decided to stay over that night and all of us were sleeping in the living room. The guys pushed the couch to the far corner of the room to give us all more space to sleep.

"Okay! Let's play truth or dare!" Alice suddenly squealed and I stared at her.

"Alice, we aren't in the seventh grade." I sighed.

"It's always important to stay young at heart." Alice smiled.

"That's bullshit!" Emmett backed me up and I gave him a fist bump.

"Are you two always this annoying?" Alice asked as she placed her hands on her hips. "But whatever, everyone has to play."

Alice took an empty beer bottle and brought it to the dining table. She placed it in the middle and all of us sat around the table. Edward had an amused look on his face as he sat down next to me while Emmett sat on my other side.

"Okay, the youngest one shall go first." Alice announced. Emmett looked over and nudged me. I groaned as I reached out for the bottle and spun it around. It stopped spinning after a few seconds and the mouth of the bottle faced Jasper.

"Okay Bella, truth or dare?" Jasper asked.


Jasper picked up a card from the Truth pile and read the question out loud. "Are you still a virgin?"

"Yes." I laughed.

Jasper put down the card and he reached out to spin the bottle. The game went on for an hour and the pile of cards decreased till there were only a few left.

"Bella! Truth or dare?" Rosalie asked me as my turn came around again.

"Dare!" I said as I drank down the last quarter of my beer.

Rosalie picked up the last card in the Dare pile and read it. "Kiss the player on your left, for a minute." Her tone was a little slurred as she had a little too much to drink. My eyes widened as I looked to my left; it was Edward.

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