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Disclaimer: I do not own this franchise or the Yautja species, but I do own my original characters and creations, so please do not use them or my story without asking permission. Thank you!


[Unknown Journal Entry #267]

If someone had told me that this was the last time I would see her, I do not know what I would have done. Run away with her maybe, and live every day and every hour like it was our last? What more could I have done to remember her and her adoring attributes? Maybe instead, I would have held her close and released all my pent up feelings under the night sky. What should I have said differently had I known? Forgive me? Or maybe I would have gone off and done something I know she would have enjoyed, just to see the way those eyes sparkled when she smiled. Or perhaps I wouldn't have said anything at all and just stared at that individual like they were insane. Who can truly tell the future?

Although this took place all those years ago, it feels like yesterday. I remember everything. Every detail is burned in my memory, haunting me with sorrowful pain. I thought over the scenario again and again, wishing that it was just some horrible nightmare that I would wake from. But it wasn't. It was real. It happened. Everyday I saw the light fading from her eyes and I remember being afraid. Like everyone, I begged the Creator for a miracle to occur, to save myself from years of despair, but it didn't come true. Within the past decade I have felt nothing but pain, loneliness, and most of all, betrayal.

I blame myself for her death. Everyday I weep thinking about how I left her when she needed me the most. So many secrets that I've kept locked in a box, but every now and then they seep out; they show their ugly faces and someone gets hurt. This time it went too far. My cowardice has cost me greatly.

The world I live in would want to make me believe that I chose the most honorable course of action. Sacrifices had to be made, but did I make the right ones? Or did I do it all for my own selfish needs? I cannot take back the choices made, all I can do is suffer the consequences. I suppose the only option I have is to move forward and cling to whatever I have left.

With that said, I do have good news. I recently received a blessing. Here in my arms is someone that will change my life for the better. I don't believe in destiny or fate, but I do believe in second chances. All I can do is hope that I do this one right.

[End of Log]

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