Hard to Say Goodbye

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Sitting comfortably in the booth seat next to Naomi, they waited for Admiral Mike Harrigan to arrive. And when he did, Rae visibly tensed. The Admiral looked like the spitting image of Naomi's father, only older. 

It was like seeing a ghost.

Having spotted them from across the diner, the older man approached their secluded table, noting that the consecutive tables nearby were reserved with signs. "I see you've given us some privacy. I'm sorry I haven't been able to introduce myself until now, and under better circumstances. But I hope in time I can earn your trust as my granddaughter has." He extended his hand toward her, "The name's Mike. Mike Harrigan."

Burying her initial reaction, Rae gave him a warm smile. "I'm Rae," she shook his hand, her smile widening in realization, "but you already knew that."

He returned her smile in a charming sort of way that put her at ease. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

She nodded. It hadn't been easy. It took much negotiating and compromising on her part to make Tomak agree to anything. What really helped seal the deal was Naomi's telling of Mr. Harrigan's experience with yautja, how he defeated one of them in hand-to-hand combat, and was later gifted with a centuries old pistol.

This had effectively piqued Tomak's interest, and after much deliberation, he agreed to let Rae go, but only if he was there watching the whole interaction. That was the deal, and no amount of disputing was going to change his mind. So Rae agreed only under two conditions, that Tomak had to be cloaked, and he could not be inside the building. She didn't for a moment want to jeopardize his safety if things did go south. But despite her rules, that still gave him free range to take up his position wherever he deemed fit, and currently she could just barely make out his silhouette on the top of the building across the street.

Now finally seeing the Admiral in the flesh, she admitted, "It was not easy to do, considering all that's happened."

Knowing exactly what she was referring to, he sighed, leaning forward on his elbows, "And I am deeply sorry for what transpired. On behalf of the good people of America, I extend our deepest apologies. Not everyone here is like Price, but I think you know that already," his eyes veered to Naomi with pride.

She did know, but aside from Mr. Harrigan, she would not place herself amongst someone with such influential power, willingly.

"Are you well?"

She should have expected his question, but it happened to catch her off-guard. As if being reminded of her wounds, Rae subconsciously ghosted her hand over her shoulder, where the bite mark had been. It was still tender to the touch but much better, and the bullet wounds were nonexistent except for the shiny white scar tissue that had taken its place.

Not wanting to dwell on her newly acquired and unwanted scars, she hid her inner pain with a smile and thanked him for his concern, reassuring him, "I'm okay. I heal quickly."

"For that I'm glad," he rasped, his eyes shifting uneasily as they ghosted the nearby tables, obviously anxious of anyone hearing. Speaking in a hushed tone, he admitted, "Footage was recovered from the labs of what you had to endure in there." He swallowed, his gaze hardening as he met her eyes once more, "I'm sorry we didn't get you out faster."

"I appreciate your sentiment, but I'm sure you did everything you could, sir."

"Mike or Mr. Harrigan if you must," he corrected, and Naomi nudged Rae supportively. "I've known you too long to have you call me sir."

"Well, thank you for everything," her heart swelled in her chest, "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, and your son." Her voice felt shaky, but she managed to hold back the brunt of it, but it was not missed by Mr. Harrigan or Naomi, who had inconspicuously placed her hand on her wrist under the table, squeezing comfortingly and acting as the very support Rae needed to continue this conversation.

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