Reflections and Revelation

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It had been over a week now and he was finally at full recovery. She worried that his rejuvenating health would mean trouble for her. He had spoken only a few words in the time he was here, and they mainly consisted of 'female' and 'food.' She didn't like that combination. Scoring through the back of her mind were images of him hunting her down and finishing what he started back at the ski resort. Did he eat humans? Was that part of his palate? The freezer would be stocked with meat if that was the case, and if he got any ideas, she would educate him on what burnt alien smelled like. This human was off limits. Whatever was in the fridge, he could have at it.

But for the time being, he had been seemingly content on simply tinkering with his gear, particularly his gauntlet. He had not left his new room since he arrived and that was completely fine by Rae. It was one less thing for her to worry about.

When she wasn't tending to her guest, she was being harassed by the other male in the house. The furry feline rubbed at her leg with a soft purr. "Not now Chase," she gently pushed him back with her leg. "I just got you your food, you should be fine."

Not at all phased by her rejection, Chase returned to her feet and sat all expectant-like turning his head up to look at her after affectionately rubbing his head against her. "Mraa!" He waited, with no response. Offended by his being ignored, he went to plan B which almost always got a reaction. Rising up on his back legs he gracefully stretched upward and gently with one paw, batted at her thigh. "Mraaa!"

A heavy sigh escaped past her lips and she couldn't fight it anymore. She leaned down and scooped the gray tabby cat up into her arms, holding him close. "Is this what you want?" she scratched behind his ears.

He purred contentedly.

Rae smiled and continued to give him the attention he so craved. This was usually how he was when she returned home from a longer trip. This morning was impossible. He had made the decision to hold her captive on the couch by sleeping all curled up around her neck like a scarf. Normally she found his almost possessive behavior to be rather taxing, but with the messed-up week she had been having, she welcomed the familiar warmth her small furry companion willingly offered. It was really the only comfort she had after bringing the alien home.

One particular issue that she had faced with the beast was still fresh on her mind, though she really wished it weren't.

It happened the morning after they arrived. As incredible as his recovery had been, at the time he was of course, still incapable of being independent enough to handle his own well-being. And on this particular occasion, he was not in the position to bathe himself. When she realized that a bowl of water and a washcloth wouldn't be enough, she knew he needed to use the shower, or at least the bathtub portion for now. But as those images filled her head, she began to fear exactly how much assistance would be needed for it to work.

Rae knew she should have thought it out and planned for how it would go beforehand, but of course, she didn't. And there she was charging into the unknown completely blind.


                                                      1 Week Earlier


She gripped his side, as they neared the small tub. The masculine alien made it abundantly clear he did not appreciate any of her help, especially when it involved undressing him. It's not like she was happy about it either.

"Easy big fella," she tried to calm him as she shimmied the loose netting down past his hips and further down his muscular thighs.

Tomak was forced to lean heavily against the wall, but his eyes were glued to the hands roaming down his sides, struggling to remove his mesh suit. Every so often, her fingertips would graze his flesh. It felt like the teasing touches he used to receive from a certain yautja female, one he did not want to think about. If he closed his eyes he could see her face and he needed to keep his eyes open. Feeling her soft touch against his leg, a growl bubbled up from deep within his chest. Why could she not leave him be?!

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