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                                                          5 Years Later


[Somewhere on the Edge of the Milky Way Galaxy]

Alarms blazed in his ears.

A vicious growl escaped his maw as his harsh eyes ran over the ship's report. The hull had taken heavy damage and there was no scenario in which he could land safely. A faulty engine was to blame. It ripped him out of hyperspace too early, flaunting him into an incoming asteroid field.

Tomak growled in frustration as he quickly scanned the sector's nearby planets. The closest one that would offer him suitable conditions and possible repair materials was close by. The backwater planet, also known as Earth.

His black claws clicked along the surface of the panel manually maneuvering his ship closer. As he approached the blue marble, big red warnings flashed in his face, obscuring his view of the planet.

DANGER / Hostile Planet / Site of Numerous Yautja DEATHS

Despite the warnings he didn't hesitate as he plunged the ship into the planet's atmosphere. Based on the damage and trajectory, he had no choice but to crash land in the Northern Hemisphere. It was not exactly the honorable end he wanted, but there was no controlling his fate.


                                                         One Week Later


[United States, Vermont]

A noisy and unwelcome alarm stirred her from a pleasant dream. Her muffled groan came from beneath the bed comforter.

The harsh sound continued relentlessly. Rae shot her hand out and smacked the alarm clock, effectively turning it off. She sighed in relief, burying herself deeper under the plush covers. She didn't know why she bothered setting it anyway.

Surrounded by darkness and now a peaceful silence, she began to doze off again. But just as her body was surrendering, she heard the door to her bedroom creak followed by soft footsteps. Hyper awareness came over her. A cold stillness filling her limbs as she listened for anything else.

She didn't have to wait long. A familiar and far too awake voice announced itself, "How are you still sleeping?! Come on!! Get up!! Let's hit the slopes while it's still morning!"

Rae yawned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she peeked her head out, wincing at the brightness of the room. "Did you open the shades? What time is it?"

Naomi shrugged, "Seven-thirty."

Groaning, Rae rolled over, covering her head once again. "No way lazy butt! Let's get a move on!" her friend berated, stepping out the door.

She waited until Naomi's footsteps were further down the hallway before stretching and stripping the covers off. As soon as she did, the cold winter air had access to her skin. She sucked in a sharp breath of air as her bare feet touched the wooden floor. "My word! Why does it have to be so darn cold?!"

"It's winter genius!" Naomi called from the staircase.

Ignoring her witty remark, Rae quickly darted into the bathroom before her feet could go numb. She started the shower, turning the dial to hot. She really wanted to go back to sleep.

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