Past Enemy Present Friend

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"And how do you know she's there?" Price's questioning tone was as sharp as ever.

Tugging the phone wire, Amanda smiled in a self-assured manner as she looked at her computer monitor that displayed the file she found. "While I did some research on Admiral Harrigan, I found out he has a granddaughter, a Naomi Harrigan." Pulling up a separate page, Amanda read off a list she had made note of, "She graduated last year with honors, looks to have postponed college, and now she is working at a local café."

Price was very quiet on the other end, as was per usual, untelling of his true sentiment to her intel. But when he did speak, she was always quick to respond.

"And explain to me the significance of this fascinating find," he drawled out exceedingly, signaling that his patience was running dangerously thin.

Withholding her usual briskness, she hinted complacently, "I found yearbook photos of Naomi with a certain someone."


She smiled, "Yes, but she apparently goes by Rachel now."

"And you are sure she is still there," he emphasized.

Amanda shrugged nonchalantly, adjusting the phone in her hand, "There's only one way to find out, but my guess is, you find Naomi and you'll find Rae."

"Well done. Put a team together and observe Ms. Harrigan. If our asset is there, I want to know how she moves, who she trusts. I want to know everything. Do you understand?"

She could hear the avid tone he suddenly held, but that did not mean he would be any more forgiving if not responded to correctly. Checking herself, she did not savor and dwell on her self-achievement for long, replying respectively, "Yes, sir."

Putting the phone down, Amanda whirled in her chair, turning for the door. She fully intended to inform her colleagues of Price's final decision, but first decided to pay a quick visit with their labs.

Slipping out of her room, she walked briskly towards the hangar, before taking a left down one of the corridors, she came to stop at a heavily surveillanced door. Slipping out her badge she quickly swiped it over the sensor adjacent to the steel doors. The lights above the sensor flashed green, opening a panel that then required a numerical code. Fluidly typing the password in, she stepped back and waited as it registered her. As expected, the doors hissed open, sliding into a pocket in the wall and admitting her entry.

As she passed through the closing doors going deeper inside, someone from the outside watched with rapt interest.


Trekking down the shaded trail on the outskirts of her home, Rae searched for the hidden generator. It was well past its due. It had become routine for her to open it up now and then to check that it was working well enough to hold up the invisibility field that concealed their location.

The little, dare she say large, piece of tech originated from Price's labs. She was fortunate the truck she escaped in was filled with it. And with all the free time she had, watching the scientists and engineers outside her cell, she was familiar with its construction and how it was put together.

Understanding the science behind it was another thing, but she was aware it mimicked very closely to the cloak Tomak used for himself and his ship. It held up well in the rain, but it was only convincing when displayed on objects that didn't move, unlike the advanced toys Tomak played with. But it still did the trick. It was the only thing that hid her home from the outside world. From what she had overheard, even if satellite images were taken, with this field on, it would detect nothing. Apparently it was a desired invention the government yearned to get their hands on to hide their facilities from the prying eyes of other countries.

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