Shall We Play a Game?

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The Colonel let himself take a breath. It really was good to see his old friend again, he just wished it was over a pint of beer, sitting at the corner table in their favorite bar; just like old times, but it wasn't. In fact, it had been some time since they last spoke. But seeing Mike again, and in uniform, brought back wads of memories they shared.

In their youth, they had been assigned together in the army and had spent many days in the field. There was no such thing as a dull day back then. He had lost track of how many times they had saved the other during those high risk missions; somehow managing to make it to the end of their contract, despite the countless battles they endured.

Although they had parted ways, they never lost touch.

While he himself enjoyed time with family, Mike had decided to join the LAPD to investigate the growing drug cartels in that region, only later to join back with the army to extend his service after a particularly hard case.

It was years later when Mike managed to convince him to come back to the military and help in the army national guard's efforts to maintain security. He agreed that it was the right choice. The life of a mechanic just wasn't made for him.

Though they both had difficult schedules and demanding responsibilities, they managed to keep in contact when time allowed.

"You too," his rough voice brought the Colonel back to the present. "How long has it been now?" Mike leaned back in his chair, lacing his fingers together.

Seeing him like this eased the tension in his shoulders. He allowed himself to smile. "About 7 months," as he recalled.

He chuckled, "Time sure flies. So what's going on Bill? I've heard much talk about an incident at a ski place. What's the story over there?"

At the mere mention of those particular events, his good mood suddenly vanished like the sun behind dark storm clouds. "Actually, that's why I called this meeting." Never one for beating around the bush, he got right to it. "We had an encounter with a Director Price," he watched as his old friend's demeanor hardened in recognition.

"Price, you say," Mike rested his elbows on his desk. You would never have known he had let his guard down in the first place, his expression now as unreadable as a three-year-old's scribbling.

Seeing the resolve in his old friend's face, the Colonel stiffened, wondering if he would even be able to get the intel he wanted or anything at all for that matter. He nodded once in affirmation. "That's right. What do you know about him and his project?"

A heavy sigh escaped his old friend's parted lips. "Bill, you are treading on very classified information."

He clenched his jaw as his temper spiked ferociously. "Damn the Pentagon and their top secret information! What I just witnessed goes against our national security, something that should be my responsibility, not that of a lab dog!"

"Hold your tongue!" Mike snapped, his piercing dark eyes silencing him effortlessly. Then his gaze shifted ever slightly to the side. "Our line isn't secured," his tone lowered.

The Colonel deflated some in understanding. Even in his anger, Mike was always looking out for him. Reigning in his fiery temper, he lowered his volume. "Mike, I was just at the site of a major explosion. This could be the work of terrorists or a underground group of insurgents. I need to know what's going on here."

Mike took a long, considering breath. "I understand your concern, but just know we have this under control. If you interfere in any way you could jeopardize everything we are trying to achieve."

His gut clenched as he received his blunt answer. And what are you trying to achieve?! he wanted to growl out, but he didn't. This was out of his hands. He could feel his fingernails digging into his palm as stood his ground stoically, listening to his friend continue.

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