And So It Begins

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Rae resisted rolling her eyes after hearing what felt like the hundredth growl. He was uncomfortable that much was certain, but there was very little she could do about it. He was just not meant to sit in a car, let alone lie down in one. She had given him a blanket and the heat was on, so unless she got home, that's all she could do as far as comfort.

Then again. Her eyes brightened suddenly as her idea took root in her mind. "Hey," she quickly looked back, only to be reminded of the ugly tarp. "Do you want to listen to some music?"

A more defined growl, hinted at his answer.

She ignored it. As far as Rae was concerned, she needed this more than he did, and that was enough incentive for her. She pressed the dial to the radio, smiling as a familiar tune filled the car.

"Ooooooooh, I'm drowning in the niiiiiiight."

Like a giant sea creature about to send its body crashing into the ocean depths, his pent-up anger finally breached the surface; his unbridled roar boomed inside the cramped space, threatening to shatter the windows. The female was so panic-stricken by his thunderous sound of rage, she almost swerved into the oncoming lane. She was not pleased.

"Alright!" she hollered, harshly cutting off the music.

"Oh, when I'm like this, you're the one I—"

"Gosh," she huffed in annoyance. "It's not my fault they don't make cars for someone of your size!" When she checked her side mirror, she immediately winced, her face contorting in pain as her head turned ever so slightly; her ears were still ringing from the offensive sound. "Don't you ever do that again, especially here." When I'm forced to sit in front of you, she almost added. She was already suffering with a headache from the head trauma she received the other day, this only added to it. She again wondered why she bothered to even help.

As the car tires ran over a raised metal strip, she heard his deep inhuman groan.

It was going to be a very long ride home.

Before they crossed over New Hampshire's border, Rae managed to pull over at an old abandoned gas station, hiding the vehicle behind the moss covered building.

She left the car running as she swung her door open and stepped out into the bitter cold. The alien growled as he shifted uneasily, jolting the car. Sighing, Rae held down a button on her ajar door, causing the backseat window to roll down. The alien went stiff, remaining perfectly still at the new movement. His reaction was gold. She held her amused grin and peeked her head inside, "Bet you didn't know it could do that, huh?"

He growled, his arms folded, biceps taut, and looking about as intimidating as he could probably get sitting like a toddler trapped in his car seat. Then much to her amusement, in a dramatic display of clear annoyance, he snapped his head away from her, flicking his dreads in the process.

Such attitude, she shook her head. "Listen, it's going to be a couple more hours until we get there, but..." she shifted uncomfortably, "if you need to uh... you know, get out and use the bathroom, now is probably the best time to do it."

Ever slowly the lenses of his mask turned back in her direction.

Rae hoped to God his answer was no. She didn't need to add alien anatomy to the list of things she was forced to see in her young life.

Then instantly, he unleashed a fierce roar that sent her scrambling back, almost slipping on an ice patch. She had to pinwheel her arms to regain balance. When she did, she returned his scowl.

"Fine!" she yelled, trudging off. She was honestly relieved she didn't have to help.

Walking to the back of the car, she lifted the cargo door with an automated beep. Her eyes flicked to the growling male that watched her intently from over the tops of the headrests. Once fully open, she slipped her hand into one of the side compartments and pulled out a screwdriver and two Maine license plates before closing it again, purposely avoiding his heated gaze.

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