Caught in the Past

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Tomak wanted to warn her not to run. It was in his instincts to give chase, but she had reacted so fast, all he could do was steel himself in place as she fled the house. 

He knew it was the right decision, telling her to leave, but watching her from the window as she ran down the beach with fear plainly seen in her eyes was more painful than being consumed by a pack of dittos.

A mixture of rage and regret filled his veins at the realization that he might have just lost Rae's trust forever.

It was all because his body fiercely responded to her seductive voice and teasing touch. He had to physically remove himself from her otherwise he had no doubt that he would have torn through her clothing and claimed her body with or without her consent. The urge to mate had never been so strong.

Her scent was intoxicating, and he could understand why. Her scent was so sweet because she had been fertile. All females exhibited this particular scent that would lure males in to breed. Rae's fertile scent drew him more than any yautja female ever had.

Instinctively, he wanted to breed her, create life within her womb, but those thoughts were driven by uncontrolled lust drawn on by the mating season. They were not his thoughts. But he could not deny it, the thought of her round with his child tempted him. Imagining her with a swollen belly spurred on his lust.

At this point, he couldn't help himself from thinking about their position in bed. It would have been easy to divest her of her clothes and lift her slender legs over his waist. It would have allowed him to see her face as he rutted her. He was desperate to know what expression she would make in excruciating ecstasy.

He knew he could pleasure her, he had no doubts in that, he only feared losing all restraint and breaking her in the heat of the moment. She was so small beneath him, but she didn't seem to mind that. Her eyes were filled with emotion as she went from being too shy to even touch him, to deliciously intimate.

He shuddered in remembrance. Her breathy voice in his ear, whispering soft words that served to rile him up, her small fingers eager to glide over his face and then there were his spines. The memory of how she gripped them, not knowing how pleasurable that is to a yautja. He was surprised he hadn't given in right then and there. No, it wasn't until she began pleasuring him with her mouth that he couldn't hold still any longer.

Paya, he had never known that her soft plush lips could evoke such a feeling. In previous years he had thought such characteristics on alien species were pointless, a flaw in their anatomy, but now he understood.

Tomak's grip on the window sill tightened further with his anger. It was his fault. He should have told her how sensitive his neck was, a vulnerable and rarely touched area. All the nerves were sensitive there and she had innocently explored it, similarly to how he found himself exploring her.

What was Rae doing to him? He felt as if he could explode with his growing desires. And now more than ever he wondered how human males have not spontaneously combusted with an all consuming need to mate with such a teasing specimen as herself?

And he knew she was desired by more than himself.

On more than a few occasions he had followed Rae on her usual outings. There he had witnessed more than a handful of males give his female hungry looks as she passed them, something that translated universally. He hadn't appreciated it and Rae, much to her annoyance, found that when she returned home he would be hovering over her incessantly.

Little did she know he had been trying to cover her scent with his own, his natural instincts ramping up with the smell of others clinging to her clothes.

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