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Tomak went rigid in disbelief. The human could see him, she was looking right at him and by her elevated heart rate and tense unwavering stare, she knew he was there.

Was it the lenses covering her eyes? Yautja technology was still vastly superior to what this inferior race could accomplish, so how could they design something that would allow them to see a hunter even when cloaked?

When her male companion turned to look at him next, he reacted just as he had anticipated before. So how was it that the female could see him? It seemed he had chosen his prey, now all he had to do was wait for the opportune moment to strike.

When the female turned her back to him, he expected her to warn her partner of his presence, but her silence surprised him. This human was different.

Tomak was very well aware that humans were frail, nervous things. They could be scared quite easily. Most screamed and ran at the sign of trouble, but this one did not act right.

Did she have a thinking disability? It wasn't something he could check for.

He switched the view on his mask and decided to scan her for any physical disabilities hidden in her body, but the image he received was beyond belief. Almost every aspect of her lit up like a fireworks display! But not because of a physical weakness. Her energy readings were far exceeding levels considered to be above average for her species.

It almost mimicked that of a– No, that could not be. They would never come out this far anyway.

DNA tampering was taken advantage of by many dishonorable beings, however, as unlikely as that scenario was, it was a better explanation for her spiking energy readings. The extent of such power would make her far better than her contemporaries as well. However, he thought it unusual for such an elementary species to have the technology to create a potentially formidable asset. There were only a few species in the universe that could purposefully and successfully mutate a living creature's DNA to their liking. His own being one of them.

This discovery fed his desire to pit his strength against the human's creation and hang her skull as the centerpiece of his wall. What were the chances that he'd find such rare prey?


Once it was their turn, Rae practically flew off the chair and maneuvered to the edge of the small plateau. She was more than happy to get off the lift, still a bit shaken by what she thought she saw. And to add to that, everything felt off, like she could sense something was wrong. To distract herself, she turned and addressed Damon in a casual tone, "Do you like parks?"

He was in a seated position, adjusting his feet in the bindings with practiced ease. "Yeah," his eyes lit up.

"Good. I'll show you the best route to get there. They are practically on the far side of the mountain, so I figured you could get a feel for the slopes." Although she enjoyed parks from time to time, her real motive for getting over there was to get as far away from the lift as she could. And thankfully for her sake, Damon seemed fine with that.

"Sounds good." He stood up and adjusted his mask, then motioned with his gloved hand, "After you."

With a few starting hops, Rae glided down and took a left onto a blue trail. Damon followed close behind.

It would have been enjoyable had she not felt like she was being watched, other than Damon, of course. She couldn't be sure, but swore she saw something moving in the trees, but she dismissed the thought immediately.

As they neared the park, Rae eyed her first obstacle with excitement. On a good day, it was her favorite spot on the whole mountain. It offered jumps, tubes, boxes, and rails for days. It was perfect for letting off some steam; just the place she wanted to be.

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