How do I control it?

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I slept the whole night, only waking a couple of times from bad dreams but they were nowhere near as terrible as that one in particular. I couldn't even remember what happened in them, which was unusual. Often they were so scary that I wouldn't be able to forget them. When I opened my eyes I was glad to feel Natasha's arm around me still, hugging me in tight just as she'd done last night. I even felt the tiniest bit happy.

"Did you sleep okay? I felt you wake up a couple of times but you seemed to fall back asleep."

"Yeah I did, thank you. And they were nothing, it's okay."

"Rue, when I ask you to be honest with me I truly mean it. You don't need to hide anything from me, good or bad."

"They were just bad dreams. Nothing too scary." She gave me a squeeze, reassuring me that I was still safe even though I'd told the truth.

"Wanda was going to spend some time with you today if you felt strong enough. She wants you to get to know your abilities, make sure you can control them." My body tensed at the word. I hated it. I'd only used my abilities twice as far as I knew. Once was years ago when some people on the street were beating me up for the money I'd collected and the other time was on Bruce.

"Rue it's okay. You'll be doing it in a protective room so you can't hurt anyone. But don't feel like you have to. It can wait until you're ready."

"No it's okay, I want to. I don't want to hurt anyone again."

"Okay as long as you're sure. Now, you can sleep for a little longer. I'll wake you up when it's time to get ready." With that I closed my eyes again, surrendering to the darkness.


Natasha had woken me up about 45 minutes later, and I hadn't protested. I still felt like a guest here, so I didn't want to waste anyones time. Especially since this would be Wanda's first true impression of me, and I was desperate for it to be a good one. So the second Natasha nudged me awake I'd made my way to my room and gotten ready, showering quickly before changing my clothes.

Natasha waited for me outside until I was done, letting me know that she'd introduce me to Wanda. We had to ride the elevator down a floor since this special room was located near the training room, which made sense. Wanda was waiting for us when we got there, and I was worried that we were late. Natasha seemed to pick up on my worry since she whispered something as we approached her.

"We're not late don't worry, Wanda is just early as usual." That eased my nerves slightly, though not enough. I was terrified by the idea of using my powers. Once I'd used them in the Med Bay I'd sworn to myself that I'd never use them again. But here I was, about to learn how to summon them.

"Hey Wanda, this is Rue. I'm not sure if you've met before." Natasha introduced me, and Wanda smiled at me warmly.

"We met briefly last night, but it's nice to truly meet you Rue. I've been looking forward to working with you. Nice to know I'm not the only one with powers round here anymore."

"It's nice to meet you too." I couldn't say I was excited about the powers part so I decided to keep my introduction to just that.

"Right, I've got a meeting with Director Fury so I'll leave you two to it." Natasha smiled at Wanda as she left us, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she went.

"Okay Rue, lets start. Now, I don't want to overwhelm you today so we'll just figure out what you can do. It'll be scary at first, but just know that I'll be with you the entire time." I nodded, trying to hide the fear that was almost overwhelming me.

"Okay, I'm ready." I really wasn't but I'd have to do this at some point and now was as good a time as any.

Wanda turned and opened the door, revealing behind it an all white room with a tall ceiling. The walls were made of metal plates, no doubt they'd been engineered by Tony to protect the rest of the compound from Wanda's abilities. Now it had to protect it from mine too.

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