No time to waste.

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Rue's POV

When I woke up the sky was dark, confirming that it was either still night or early morning, but I didn't bother looking at the clock. I just quietly climbed out of the bed as to not wake Natasha, pulled on a hoodie, before leaving the room. I just wandered around aimlessly, staring blankly at the walls and floor as I went. My mind was empty now, although it still hung heavy on my shoulders. I couldn't think of anything, whenever I attempted to I was met with nothing other than more fogginess.

After a long while of walking in circles I ended up at Tony's lab, and unsurprisingly he was sat in there hunched over some piece of technology. I hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to enter the room or continue on and proceed in avoiding him at all costs. But to my surprise I stepped over the threshold and sauntered towards him, only catching his attention when I was just a couple of feet away. "What are you doing up kid?" Before answering I looked down at what he was working on, his arc reactor.
"Couldn't sleep. What you doing?" I didn't want to talk about my feelings, so I made an effort to change the subject.

"Oh, its just my reactor. Things been giving me some grief recently, so I thought it was about time I sorted it." As he spoke I pulled a chair over and sat across from him, our eyes meeting for just a moment before I refocused on his hands that were still working away. "How's your head?" He asked, motioning to my forehead that I'd bashed on the ground a few hours ago now. I was grateful that he didn't ask how I was in general, because that question would've resulted in me leaving the room without another word.

"Oh, it's fine" as I replied I reached up to the bump on my head, being met with a throb when I lightly pushed it. That was the first thing I'd felt in a while, although the pain was met with no telling expression by me. I welcomed it.

"Good to hear, it was quite a bang. Can you help me for a sec?" He looked down at the arc reactor, stopping whatever he was doing for a moment.

"Um yeah, sure" I replied, unsure as to how I could be any help in this situation.

"Can you hold that there whilst I solder these wires. Don't move an inch" he warned me, as I held onto the tweezer like things he had previously been using. I did my best to stay still as he began working on the many wires, totally lost as to what any of these things did. That was then my mind suddenly jolted awake, not all the way but enough for me to form a question that I had been conjuring up for some time.

"Tony, can you help me find out who this new leader is? I know we're meant to do these things as a team, but I can't sit around and wait whilst everyone else takes their time." I was surprised by myself, but glad that I'd had the guts to pose the question.

"I thought there was a real reason for you coming here, other than bugging me" I gave him a playful glare, to which he smirked before continuing. "Of course I can kid, but don't you want everyone involved?"

"No, you have to promise that this stays between us. Everyone will find out in time, but I need this intel now." He was shocked by my reply, especially since I didn't hesitate at all before speaking.

"Not even Nat?" He pondered, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Especially not Nat." I stared into his eyes now, trying to convey even further how important secrecy was. I couldn't afford for anyone to try and stop me from ending the Red Room once and for all, and Natasha would be the first to step in my way.

"As long as you're sure Rue."

"I'm sure. I've never been so sure of anything in my life." Tony gave me a stern nod before returning to his work, seeming to have accepted my answer.

"Thank you" I stated as I rose from the chair, preparing to leave Tony in peace.

"Of course kid" he replied before I disappeared from his lab, continuing my aimless walk.

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