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Rue's POV

I was woken early by a knock at the door, but Natasha didn't even stir. So I carefully climbed off of the bed and slowly opened the door, Steve stood before me. "You need to come with me Rue. Director Fury is waiting for you in the meeting room." I looked down at what I was wearing, deeming it to be appropriate enough before nodding at Steve, following behind him as he started to walk away. The meeting room wasn't far from where I slept so we arrived quickly to find Director Fury and Tony Stark waiting inside expectantly. As I sat down I took a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever was to come. Steve and Tony were sat down too, on the opposite side of the table whilst Director Fury remained standing at the front of the room.

"Rue, what happened out there?" He asked me, his tone direct as he stared holes into my head.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I was told that they had the target in custody and that she was in good health. A few minutes later I was told that she required urgent medical help, and eventually that these interventions were unsuccessful. How did I go from having a live detainee to a dead body in a bag?" I swallowed in an attempt to clear my throat, no idea of how to respond. Steve interjected.

"Rue concealed a knife as she approached the target, none of us saw it happening until the knife was deep in her stomach. There was nothing anyone could do at that point, the injury was fatal." Thanks Steve, that really didn't help my situation. Nick Fury nodded at him to show he'd acknowledged every word before everyone turned their attention to me again. I looked between all of their faces before focusing my eyes on Tony's, him giving me a strained smile in reassurance.

"She didn't deserve to live." Was all I said, everyone in the room shocked by the short and sharp statement.

"And why's that?" Fury questioned, not skipping a beat as he crossed his arms over his chest, I sensed his aggravation.

"She's a monster, was a monster. You'll never understand what she did to those girls."

"What she did to you, don't you mean?" Steve questioned me, and I furrowed my eyebrows in reply.

"You were one of her girls weren't you. What she did to them she did to you. Right?" I continued to stare at him, hatred in my eyes as I couldn't believe what he was implying or trying to get me to. He wanted me to spill every detail to try and explain my way out of this, but nothing on this earth was worth me telling those secrets.

"Is he right Rue? Did you receive the same treatment as those girls?" Fury continued.

"It doesn't matter. She deserved to die for what she did to all of those girls."

"I understand your frustration Rue, but in order for you to go unpunished I need to know what motivated your actions. I need to know what she did to you else there's no excuse for you killing her, and I'll be forced to hand you over."

"I'm not telling you anything, you don't need to know."

"Rue, if you continue to refuse I won't be able to give you a choice."

"What does that mean?"

"I'll have to use other means to get that information from you. I apologise for being so forceful but you don't have a choice. Either you tell me with your own words, or I find another way to retrieve the information I need."

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Rue, think about this. It's not worth it" Tony spoke from across the table. But I wasn't budging, they'd have to force this information out of me. Nothing they do could be any worse than what I'd already been through.

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