You need to realise.

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Natasha's POV

As I clung to Rue and looked down at the bandage on her head I couldn't help but feel terrified. Not for me but for her. She didn't believe she deserved anything good that came her way, so she was immediately willing to sacrifice herself. It was admirable, but that didn't stop me worrying about her. I wanted this hug to last forever, at least then she'd be safe, but that wasn't reality. When I finally let her go, I noticed her tired eyes. She'd slept well last night, but she'd still been terrorised by bad dreams, and todays events had taken a lot out of her. It was only just noon but she needed to sleep, except I didn't think that would be possible if she was alone. I had an urgent meeting that I needed to attend, and training after that with Steve. She'd have to stay by my side until those were complete.

"Hey Rue, why don't you spend the day with me. I don't want to leave you on your own." She yawned before replying.

"Okay, sure." With that I started walking towards the meeting room, checking over my shoulder to make sure she was following. She wouldn't be allowed in the room, it was strictly confidential, but she could wait on the bench outside. At least then I could keep an eye on her through the glass.

"Right. You've got to stay out here whilst I'm in the meeting, but it won't be long." Rue sat down on the bench, making no issue with being told to stay outside. Once I was sure she'd be okay I headed in, purposely taking a seat close to the screen so that I could keep a constant eye on her.

About ten minutes in I glanced over, only to see her with her head rested on her hand and her eyes shut. At least she'd managed to fall asleep, I just hoped that it'd last. It did for a little while but she caught my attention when she jolted awake, instantly checking her surroundings. She must've had a nightmare. I had worried that her igniting these powers would trouble her already sensitive mental state, but at least I was keeping her close. She needed someone now more than ever, and that someone would be me.

The meeting ran longer than expected, but Rue was still sitting on the bench where I'd left her when I walked out. She hadn't tried to fall asleep again, instead she'd made sure she didn't. I hated that her mind was so terrifying, that it was so scary she couldn't bear to close her eyes just for a few minutes of peace.

"Right. I've got a training session with Steve. I know I said I wanted you with me the whole day, but you're tired, so Tony offered to keep an eye on you. He was just heading to the kitchen to make some food. Did you want to stay with him until I'm done? You can sit on the sofa and watch something." Rue looked up at me, her stare uneasy. I knew she was scared to be alone, but Tony would look after her and he'd make sure she had some fun.

"Um, okay. How long will you be?" She was trying to hide her worry but it was painted all over her face.

"I'll be an hour, two at the most." Rue nodded and followed behind Tony as he headed off to the kitchen.

I stood where I was for a few moments, until her small figure disappeared around the corner.

Rue' POV

I didn't mind spending time with Tony, he was a lot of fun, but I felt safe with Natasha. As much as I wanted to stay with her, making a scene about sticking by her side for the entire day would only make her worry more. I knew that she could see me, see that I was struggling but I was confident that nobody knew just how bad it was. Not even Natasha.

When we made it to the kitchen Tony told me to take a seat at the counter, and that he'd fix us something to eat.

"So kid, what do you fancy?" I shrugged in reply. I wasn't all that hungry since I'd eaten a few noodles earlier but it was best that I ate something.

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