Where's home?

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Natasha's POV

I was awoken by the bright light that shone in through the blinds, immediately noticing that I was alone in the bed. Where'd she gone? I needed to find her, and soon because she couldn't afford to have another outburst. The last one had taken every last bit of strength from her. I just hoped that my hugging her hadn't been too much.

First I'd check the lounge down the hallway, the one with the kitchen. Maybe she'd gone to find somewhere else to sleep. I quickly swung my legs off of the bed and jumped to my feet, walking as fast as I could. Not long after leaving the Med Bay I could hear Tony in the kitchen talking to someone, but I couldn't quite make out the other persons voice. When I finally made it to the kitchen, Tony was attempting to make pancakes and the young girl was sitting on a stool across from him.

"Oh hey Nat, my good friend Rue and I were just making some breakfast. Take a seat, you can have some with us." Tony had a grin on his face, probably since he was the first one of us to get a name from this girl. I looked over to her, her head still hung low and her eyes staring down at the counter. It was most likely that Tony had been talking at her continuously so she offered her name up as a way of keeping him quiet for a while. Probably hoping that it would stop his incessant nagging, but it never did. He couldn't help but talk without taking a break to even breathe.

I took a seat next to her on one of the stools, making her shift slightly.

"Is it ok if I sit here?" I looked in her direction, anticipating a response. All she did was nod, keeping her eyes focused on the surface in front of her. So I decided to continue talking, posing a question that needed a worded answer.

"Where did you disappear to?" For the first time she looked up at me, her eyebrows scrunched in question.

"I'm sorry if my sleeping next to you was too much, I tried to wake you from your nightmare but nothing worked. I didn't want to leave you so I decided to hold onto you, but I fell asleep. When I woke up you were gone."

"I woke up in the middle of the night and went for a walk. Sorry if I worried you." She didn't offer me much of an explanation but it was the most I'd heard from her in the last day.

"No you don't need to apologise, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Was it another nightmare?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." And we were back to what felt like square one. I wanted to get through to her, to let her know that she could trust me but that was proving to be difficult.

Rue's POV

I really wanted to tell Natasha everything, show her that I trusted her but I just couldn't. Something inside me wouldn't let me do it. So for now I would just have to keep it bottled up and hope it wouldn't spill over.

Tony was finished making the pancakes, placing a pile of them in front of me. I was starving but my stomach flipped at the thought of eating. I had no choice though, if I wanted to keep people off my case I had to at least eat one. So as Natasha started eating hers next to me I lifted my knife and fork and cut off a small section. As I chewed on it my mouth watered, and when I finally swallowed it down my stomach protested. I had to force the rest of it down, but I couldn't handle anymore. There was no way I was going to be able to eat the remaining three so I placed my cutlery down on the side of my plate and pushed it away slightly, signifying that I was finished.

"Come on kid, you've barely eaten anything. You need to build your strength." Tony urged me to eat more, as he scoffed down his own but that was enough to make me throw up. Just as Natasha was about to say something I quickly excused myself and ran to the bathroom down the hall. It was a good job that I'd found it when I was wandering about last night. The second I'd closed and locked the door I fell to my knees in front of the toilet and the pancake I'd eaten came back up.

Once I was sure there was nothing else left, I moved to the sink and gargled my mouth with some water before splashing my face with it. It was so cold, but it felt good against my clammy skin. There was a knock at the door and I fell silent, hoping that they'd leave me alone. But they continued tapping.

"Hey Rue it's Natasha. Can you open the door so I know you're okay?" I gulped, suddenly feeling panicked again. I wasn't used to people caring about me. After a couple of seconds I made my way over to the door, unlocking it and opening it slowly. Natasha stared at me with worried eyes and I hated it. I didn't like people pitying me, so I dropped my gaze yet again.

"Maybe the pancakes were a bit too much. I can tell you're still exhausted. How about I take you to your room and you can rest some more."

My room? She could clearly see that I was questioning what she'd said.

"Tony must've forgotten to tell you, he's like that. You've got your own room, since you don't need to be in the Med Bay anymore. I've also got you some fresh clothes, so you can finally shower and change into them out of that hospital gown." I stared down at what I was wearing. She was right, it was about time I put some real clothes on.

"Okay" is all I could say to her. But she seemed to understand me, understand why I was so guarded. So instead of carrying on the conversation she began walking away and motioned for me to follow. My room was on the same floor, but you had to walk through a maze of corridors to find it. Great, I was definitely going to get lost finding this place on my own.

"That's my room down there. If you ever need anything, no matter the time, come and get me. And if I'm not in there I'll probably be in the kitchen." Natasha was pointing at a room four doors down, which was a fair distance since the rooms here seemed to be pretty big. Just as I was looking at her door she opened the one to my room, inviting me in. It was dark, everything either black or dark wood. My bed was centred on the closest wall with night tables either side, a large window made up the farthest wall giving me a view of the city, a wardrobe stood to my right and the bathroom was through a door straight ahead. The room was massive, and I'd never had one to myself before. In fact, I don't think I'd ever had a room of any kind.

"This is all yours Rue. I'll leave you to settle in, and remember, if you need anything you know where I am." Natasha left, closing the door behind her, and I was once again left on my own.

After a few seconds I decided I'd have a shower before climbing into bed. So I made my way over to the wardrobe and pulled out the change of clothes that Natasha had mentioned, a black hoodie and black joggers, before making my way into the bathroom. I couldn't' wait for a hot shower.

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