Where were you?

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As I stalked towards the school, its stature intimidating, I quickly ran through the plan again in my head. It was hard to focus as my nerves grew uncontrollably, but I knew what I had to do. When I reached the doors I just stood there waiting for the inevitable, although I wasn't quite sure what that was. Just as I started questioning whether this was the right place, the tall doors opened slowly to reveal two guards clad in all black.

"Come with us" they stated, their voices monotone but firm. Without hesitating I stepped over the threshold and they grabbed me by each arm. At first I fought their hold, but I quickly remembered that I needed to give in. I needed to show Madame B that I wanted back in, that I wanted to be part of her programme after all. They practically dragged me the whole way, turning right and left down dark corridors as I was led further and further into the compound. I was terrified now. I was all alone in this place, and no one here would protect me against the torture I was sure would come. It was almost like I was that little girl again, the one who'd been ripped from her parents and forced to kill.

After what felt like forever, the two men dragged me into a room and sat me on a chair roughly. Once they were sure I was going to stay there they left, slamming the doors shut behind me. So I began looking around the cold, dark office that I was sat in. Bookshelves lined the walls and I was sat opposite a wooden desk in the centre of the room. Now I just had to wait for someone to take a seat in the chair across for me, and hopefully that someone would be Madame B.

"Ruzana, how lovely to see you again" I heard her voice from behind me as she entered the room, her steps almost silent as she approached me and my mind twinging at her use of my full name. After a few seconds she came into view, moving around the desk and taking a seat. I just smiled faintly, waiting for whatever she was going to say next.

"Why are you here?" She asked, her demeanour quickly turning sour and her tone sharp.

"I want to come back."

"Back to The Red Room?" I nodded in reply, causing her to laugh with her head back and mouth wide open. This revealed her neck, made it vulnerable and I had to fight every urge to leap forward and grip it tightly with my bare hands. Instead I sat there, my entire body still as my fingers twitched at the thought.

"But you're an Avenger now. I'm sure they've surrounded this building and are just waiting to attack." This is where my intuition kicked in, all of my fear out of the window as I pushed on with the lie.

"No, I ran away from them. I escaped. Although they hurt me pretty badly in the process." I turned my head to the side, showing her my now swollen and bruised jaw.

"I see. And why on earth would you do that?" I coughed before speaking, wanting my voice to be clear and believable.

"I don't believe in what they do. I believe in what you do, and I want to help you take them down." She looked at me thoughtfully, considering my answer and thinking over every detail of my voice.

"What makes you think I'll let you, that I won't just have you killed the second we're done here?" I didn't wait before answering, desperate for her to believe me.

"Because you need me. I've worked with them, lived with them for years now. I know every single detail of their lives, and I know just how to take every one of them down."

"Hm, fine. But before I let you do anything, you'll have to go through a little... procedure." I furrowed my eyebrows at her, willing her to explain further.

"I'm sure that as much as you want them dead, you've developed some kind of connection to them. So before we continue, I'm going to make sure every one of those is severed. Do you understand?" I nodded in reply, all of a sudden lost for words as fear overcame me. What was she going to do to me?

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