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A trickling sensation hits you once, twice, and a third time. Water must be leaking from the roof again. Your eyes don't want to open, but you force them. One thing you've always been aware of.. time.

Time is against you, always has been. So you race it to safety, the safety of freedom. The sun is one thing you race, and this morning you've won. You're up before it is.

You put on your choice of clothing, a loose, white short sleeves top and your undergarments. Then you slip into a green skirt that comes just above the knee, with white mariposa patterns dancing along the piece. Clothes are one thing, your hair is another. After experimenting with it a couple times, you finally come out with two suitable braids.

You creep downstairs to complete your one chore, take care of Maria. So, in that sense, you prepare everything she'll need for today. You set her clothes in front of her room, prepare her a fruit mix for breakfast, really the list goes on and on. You open the front door just as the first light hits the Encanto.

"Where could you be going this early?" A voice says.

You turn around to see an aged, wrinkled face standing barely and inch above you. Abuela.

"I always leave this early. I have to get to the market and get Tia Sophia's lace order."

Abuela looks at you with questioning eyes. "Ah, for the ceremony tonight. The twins dresses aren't done yet." She must've made the connection. "Well go on then.

"Yes, Abuela." You open the door and head to the market.

The market is just opening up when you get there, and townspeople are flooding inside. The opening of the market doesn't stop the stares and whispering directed at you though.

One thing you always forget when you enter the market, you're feared, not respected. Men stand in front of their merchandise when you come around, mothers shield their children. You've never done anything, but since your families gifts portray to more.. violent means.. You guess they have the right to be scared.

Now that you think about it, you did do something once. A rich girl named Lilith from the nicer side of town had decided to pick on one of the younger schoolchildren. Let's just say you might've lit her skirt on fire. Accidentally!! You just got so mad and it burst into flames. The Madrigal named Julieta healed her in no time, but let's just say that didn't help your case.

That's another thing! The Madrigals. How alike your families are, yet how different yours is treated. The Madrigals do some work on the inside of the Encanto, yes, but your family does what's really important. The Encanto isn't easy to get to, but it's possible for outsiders to get in here. We protect the Encanto, other towns, risk your lives, and the Madrigals are the ones paraded around like royalty.

Speaking of the Madrigals, here they come right now.

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