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"We fight in the morning. Best to get some sleep." You say, before taking off. You were heading back to the assembly room, ready to have everyone tire down for the night. When you get there, it seems the adults have already taken care of it.

Candles are being extinguished and passed out, and people retire to their homes or a bunk for the night. Conversations are now held in hoarse whispers, huddled in small groups. People hug, say goodnight, and head out.

"Hey, you can bunk with us tonight, follow me." Dolores whispers, catching you off guard. You nod, allowing her to take your hand and lead you to the bunk where she, along with her brothers and cousins, are staying. There's four beds, which look like they've been split evenly between everyone.

Naturally, Luisa and Isabella are sharing, along with Camilo and Antonio. You and Dolores each get your own bed, although you suspect Mirabel might come and bunk with one of you.

"Are you sure? I really don't mind sharing, if either of you want a bed." You look towards the sisters, but they assure you they don't mind, and after all, it's like a sleepover!

You don't change into nightclothes, or even get ready for bed. You just tuck yourself into your bed and under the sheets, like a cradle, or a soft hug. After what feels like 10 hours, 100 readjustments, and a sacrifice to the holy grail, you finally find sleep.


It's not even sunrise when the preparations begin. Everyone was up, marching in neat lines, getting into armor, grabbing a spear, or a sword. Your bunk mates are missing, so you assume they're preparing too.

That's when the screaming began.

Smoke flooded through the air. The clouds burned your lungs, threatening to explode your insides. You hear shouts of "it's him!" Or "They found us!" And realize what truly happened.

Your family was here.

Everyone around you was either dead or dying. They weren't ordered to take prisoners, so the bodies you step on aren't your concern.

Valeria and Vanessa are dragging Isabella and Luisa away in chains, vanishing into the smoke. Dolores hides Antonio under a bench, before turning to run, but meet your Tio Pablo. You don't see her face, only hear her scream, and her light figure dropping to the floor. Antonio gasps, only to be shielded from view with your uncles ruana.

You rush over to him, but a cloud of smoke blows by, and they disappear. You sift through the ash, but find nothing.

A loud grunt comes from behind you, and you spin around to find your father, who's holding Camilo in a chokehold, his face turning white, and then blue.

His neck is snapped. Dropped to the floor. Kicked away by an angry boot, one you customized with the names of his children.

You barely have time to build up a scream before your father slices your head off.

You shoot up, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Your heart pounds in your chest, as if trying to claw its way from you.

Two beady brown eyes watch you in the darkness, and you turn over to see them.

"Did you have a nightmare?" Antonio whispers, clutching his little jaguar once more. Tear stains line his face, his eyes red, as if he'd just finished crying.

"No sweetheart, go back to bed." You sigh, but he doesn't move.

"I had a nightmare too. Casita was back, but it kept crumbling. Instead of helping us, it just locked us inside." Antonio sniffed, his figure seeming to retreat into the darkness, although he was standing still.

"You want to sleep with me, buddy?" You whisper, lifting up your blanket, to which he immediately snuggled under. You wrap it around him and hold tight.

Together, you fall into a dreamless sleep.

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