Three Months

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"Uhm.. hello. I'm Y/n L/n, but I'm sure you all uh, already know that." You stutter, shuffling around awkwardly.

Fish Lady gives you a nod of encouragement.

"Uhm.. thank you all for being here. Anyone can hide in fear. It takes a brave man or woman to stand up against wrong. To serve, to fight, to commit to a resistance such as this one is not for the feint hearted." You proclaim, losing feeling in your legs all together. Maybe that was a good thing.

"Then again, you have to understand the risks. How many of you have been in prison, or seen someone you care about whipped or beaten bloody, or even killed." You ask. Nobody moves.

Ciscos hand goes up. Along with Solomon and Dominic, J and Liz, Xavier, and the rest of the crowd. It's as if they don't want to admit it, as if they don't want to accept it.

"If you get caught here, it's not just your life at risk. It's your children's lives, your wife, your husband. And it's not always life or death. The loss of a parent, a sibling, family or friends, it messes people up." Your voice seems to echo. All you can think of is Maria, of Mama. They're both gone, and it's sure as hell messed you up.

"Then again, your help in this resistance could benefit the lives of those around you. I know it's hard to accept, but the Encanto will never be the same again. Never again. Because it will be better." You grin, as some people applaud that statement.

"Those people we talked about earlier, the ones who are dead or beaten? They are our martyrs, they are the reason for this cause. We will not let him die in vain." You shout, causing an uproar. Just like before, the cheers are tremendous.

"I'll take it from here." Fish Lady says, and you step down. She begins explaining the new training program and encourages all to try it, along with some easy home remedies for sore muscles. You sigh, filled with so much to say.

"For the Encanto!" Fish Lady screams, raising her fist in a cheers like fashion.

"For the Encanto!" Everyone chants, mimicking Fish Lady.

"For the Encanto!" You whisper, smiling.

Three months later..

Three months flew by. And quick. A lot can happen in three months. For example, you're officially 15. Luisa turned 20. Of course, there was a big celebration for the both of you within the resistance.

Every member of the resistance has gained at least 5 pounds in pure muscle, and many are already learning swordplay.

Papa suspects there's a small crowd of "traitors" in the Encanto. But he'd never imagine 3/4ths of the town to be conspiring against him.

Or that his daughter was the leader.

Every morning, you beat the sun to waking. Every week you see the Madrigals, fill them in on life in the Encanto. Mirabels leg is healing well, you were able to prevent an infection. Camilo always says a personal goodbye to you, away from the rest of the Madrigals.

Best of all, was you. You'd truly grown. Physically, not so much, but in respect. When you enter a room, there is a silence. All eyes are on you, until you give a clear sign of "carry on."

Life before Casita crumbled is nothing but a faint memory, now locked inside a safe.

Only one thing stuck in your mind. If you were to defeat Papa, and the rest of your family, your own candle would have to be destroyed.

Nobody else knew. And you planned to keep it that way.

After all, what's a gift compared to a free town?

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter! I won't be able to work much this weekend and wanted to get something out there before I left you hanging. Shoutout to @Kobulive, a friend of mine who's also working on a fanfic. (Not Encanto.) Check out their story, and thank you all for being so patient! <3

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