Selva Mi Amor

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Tree branches and leaves smack you from all sides as you tear through them, until you come across a particularly good climbing tree. You fling yourself onto it, making not effort in scaling the rough object, just like the houses. The branches are sturdy, thick, rich in leaves and green. You're positive nobody will find you. Nobody could've followed you anyways, you took too many turns. By now, You're a half hour hike uphill for any regular person. It only takes you about ten minutes of running, but those ten minutes consists of various paths.

These mountains are where I were born. You close your eyes and replay the story in your head.

Mama had been coming to meet Papa after he came back from a dangerous mission, in which he presumed was suicide. Mama had rushed to meet him, and they rejoiced, because they were both alive. That's when Mama went into labor.

As one would expect, the parents tore down the streets to the villages midwife. However she held a grudge against your mother, particularly after Marcos birth, in which he had spit up on her and waved his arms so fast he had smacked her right across the face, causing her to stumble and trip, knocking over her mothers urn.

With nobody to help Mama give birth, they rushed back to the woods, where my mother insisted she carry out the functions of labor. Several hours later, you were born. The community was displeased.

Marco, you and your family believes, was given his gift while your mother was still pregnant. It's a mystery to you how, especially considering no gift ceremony took place during that time. The twins received their gift when they were only three years old, but age doesn't matter with your family. You wonder what does.

The family celebrated your birth all night. Only a few community members came. Usually a birth is celebrated by parties and gifts from the entire village, but you only received one present- a yellow yo-yo from an unknown sender.

That very same yo-yo sits on your dresser, worn and broken. Just like your familia.

"Y/n! Where-AAAAAAA-" Someone screeches, and you hear something tumble downwards.

You spring down the tree, and carefully investigate the area you heard the sound. There's a few broken branches. You peer through some bushes and see Camilo clutching his ankle. He's breathing is fast and his jaw is tensed. He lets out several groans, and attempts to stand, then stumbles and falls.

You come out of your hiding place, and prance over to Camilo. He looks at you, and shape-shifts with a baby head. You let out a giggle, he just looks annoyed.

"What happened?" You say, gingerly examining his ankle. It's just a sprain.

"I'll tell you after you tell me." Camilo challenges, although it's a weak one considering he still looks like a baby. Not to mention sounds like one.

You sigh. This was not a conversation you wanted to have with anyone.

"My powers are like your mothers at times, triggered by my emotions. If I stayed, I would've destroyed something." You finish. You look at him expectantly.

Camilo's head returns to normal. "I came after you. You're really fast, and I got lost. I tripped on something, and stumbled downhill. I landed wrong on my foot." He explains.

"Do you have another arepa?" You ask. Camilo shakes his head. "Well.. i'll make a fire." You turn towards the village. "Hey Dolores, we're about 3/4 of a mile out, just behind the Guzmans house. Send Marco to come get us please, and have him bring one of Juileta's healing foods. Sprained ankle." You instruct. You have no doubts Marco will be here soon.


It's been several hours. The sun has set, while you have Camilo propped up again a rock that you moved near the fire. Despite his many protests, you refuse to leave him.

"So.. how did you meet Lilith." You question. You needed to be careful.

"My Abuela said I needed to go to her fathers home, to pick up some decorations for Antonio's ceremony. When I arrived, he insisted I come inside, because it was extremely hot that day. His wife served me some water, and introduced me to Lilith." He says, looking at just the fire.

"I figured this was the real reason my Abuela sent me there. She's been trying to find me a girlfriend for ages, but it's hard to find someone who really loves you when the only thing they want is your name." He breathes. "I think Lilith is one of the real ones." He grins. "She's never once asked me about marriage or my home. And I really think I like her. If anything, she makes my Abuela happy." He sighs.

"I can think of plenty of girls who love you for you. Not some stupid gift of status you have. Much better ones than Lilith." You snap.

"Really? Like who?" He says, his voice somber. You make eye contact again, and his face goes red.

You suspect yours does too.

"There you are!" Marcos voice calls out, as he skids to a stop, making dirt spatter across the fire and onto us. You catch a particularly large piece heading towards Camilo's face.

Marco hands Camilo an arepa. His ankle goes back to normal, and we hike downwards towards casita. Señora Pepa hugs and fawns over her son. Your own family guides you home, beginning our march back. You're thankful because Andrés holds your hand the whole time, and because you got to hear some of Camilo's side of the story. You glance back, only to see Dolores watching you walk. You break your eye contact, and focus on the path ahead.

The one leading home.

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