The River of Tears

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A young man of the age 26, would often come to visit Y/n in the forest. She would wander off, even sometimes getting lost just to see him. He was a kind eyed man, and asked many questions about the Madrigals, the Encanto, and especially Alma. When he would visit, he would always leave with wise words. When Y/n received her gift, he would guide and push her to achieve excellence, but also supported her failures.

One day, the man had shown Y/n something she'd never seen before, nor knew how to do. He placed his hands above his head, and out of his hands came a shimmering light. Y/n had began to copy his movements, but the man quickly stopped her, shaking his head.

"You can only use this gift once, and even then it will cost. Remember this, the price of the gift is the gift itself." He said, before walking on the river, fading away into nothingness.

He never returned.

Isabella pushed you into the horde of roses in her floor. She quickly wiped her tears and stood up straight.

"Stay down!" She hissed, then once again smiled towards the door.

Señora Alma hesitantly opens the door, and walks quickly to embrace Isabella. She gives her two swift kisses, and back up, still holding her arms.

"Mi amor, I'm sorry for tonight. We mustn't let this distract us, I'm sure Mariano will try again soon." Alma declares.

"Have you found Mirabel yet?" Isabella questions. "Or Y/n?" She adds as an afterthought.

"No, they are still yet to be found. But the magic is strong! We will find them, and assert the appropriate punishment for your sister and that L/n girl." Alma booms.

"Please, don't be to hard on them. They probably weren't doing anyone wrong on purpose." Isabella pleas.

"We will see. Now, come sit down. We must talk about these roses." Alma quickly says, avoiding answering.

The two must've walked away, somewhere to your left. You hear roses being crunched and the clunk of the springs. They must be on Isa's bed.

Wait wait wait.. did you just say Isa? Like a nickname? Wow. Maybe you really do like Isabella. As a friend. There's no way you think of her as a friend. She's such a petty princess. No, she's not. Isabella Madrigal wears a mask, the one you know of her. But the Isabella you just came to know, well.. that's not some selfish little señorita her mask portrays. None of the Madrigals are. You think, remembering the show they put on for Señora Alma.

Another knock on the door makes you jump. You hope neither of the women saw the movement, but both seem too distracted by the knock to have seen the shift. You're about to sigh, but realize that's probably a bad idea.

Isabella rises, and paces over to the door. She barely opens the doorknob when it bursts open. You  don't even need to see it to know who it is. To know the voice is all you needed.

"Señora Alma, please, where is our baby girl?" The voice cries out. It's so pained, it cuts into your chest more that it should've. "She hasn't been home all day, and we can't find her! It's well close to sunset, and Y/n never stays out this long!"

Turns out Tia Sophia was here for you. A wave of guilt washes over you, wondering who else is worried about you.

"Yes, Y/n has been here. She recently disappeared after dinner, and ruined my Isabella's proposal!" Alma's voice changed from facts to accusation.

"Y/n wouldn't do that on purpose. She will never admit it, but she envy's your family. She believes your family is perfect, and wants to protect it! Y/n.. she wants to protect the Encanto!" Tia Sophia breaks into tears.

"Y/n has brought nothing but danger to our family!" Alma almost shouts, her composure breaking for only a minute.

"How dare you! Y/n is like my daughter, so if you have a problem with her, you have a problem with me!" She shrieks. "Ever since she lost her mother, and even before that, I've thought of her as my own. I have not raised her to be this villain you think she is, so she isn't."

For half a second, you see something above her head. You think.. think it's a cloud. A thundering cloud.

Pepa.. she's 50, right? Tia Sophia is 49, not even a year younger. You wonder.. are they connected? Your family is connected to the people who's gift triggers yours, if not more than they'd like. You think of Marco and Luisa and especially you and Mirabel . She didn't get a gift, but you did. Her power still drove and granted you a gift.


"Sophia dear, please." Another voice rattled you, causing you to shake.

Tia Sophia stomps off, and you have to think of what she said. She thinks of you as a daughter? You've never been the kindest to her.. because she reminded you too much of a mother. You make a mental note to give her the biggest hug you can, and thank her. Your throat tightens, and you don't think you can take much more.

The voice calls out again. "Alma, we know there's a problem with your miracle candle. The village is restless, and we see the cracks."

"We will not have this discussion here." Alma quickly silences the voice. You hear more creaks in the bed and assume she had looked over towards Isabella.

"Abuela, it's okay. I need to know. I deserve to know." Isabella pleads.

"Fine. What is it, Emilia?" Alma snaps.


"You and I both know something is wrong with the magic. But there is hope." Abuela breathes in, and exhales. "Maria received her gift."

Authors note: Regarding the last chapter, Isabella's coming out was merely my personal opinion. I just got vibes from her, and wanted to incorporate it into the story.

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