The Good Grace of Flowers on Water

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It seems so stereotypical. Your in a forest, a soft white dress down to your knees. Sandals, your hair has no frizz, as if thousands of bottles of serum had been wasted on this one hairstyle.

The smell of wet garden fills the air, damp humidity against the mud. You stand on a mossy bridge, a soft stream flowing beneath you. The sun peaks through the canopy, little spots of light in the darkness.

You follow the bridge trail, taking in the sweet scent of the air, the luscious color of sunlight against crisp leaves. With the sunlight shining overhead, and dewdrops falling near you, but never on you, you trust this is the path to go.

The bridge ends, replaced with a dirt trail through more wood. As you walk, you see jaguars, toucans, all kinds of forest animals and predators watching you, but never stepping foot on the path.

There's a clearing in the woods for a small lake, lily pads with gorgeous white flowers on top. Two floating stone bridges rise on either side, a sandbar in the middle, a golden light shining through the waters surface.

You hop, childishly, on the stones, until you reach the middle. After removing your sandals, you dip your feet into the lake, feeling the sand between your toes. You set your sandals on one of the stones, and just stand in the water.

"Y/n?" Camilo's voice echos through the realm.

You turn around, the water licking at your lower legs. "Over here!"

Camilo emerges from the forestry, the sunlight gleaming on his skin. He is wearing all white as well, a grown up version of his Ceremony suit.

You suddenly feel self conscious, looking down at your dress. It wasn't tight, but it certainly framed your body in a way that made your flesh tingle.

Camilo carefully inspects the floating stones, untrusting of its floatation.

"It's alright. They're safe." You assure him, smiling.

Camilo jumps onto the first stone, hesitates, then goes to another. The water ripples with each step, ever so lightly disturbing the natural calm.

When he reaches the last stone, Camilo crouches down, removing one of the white flowers from the top of a lily pad.

"A flower for my lady." Camilo whispers, putting the flower in your hair, the wet stem behind your ear.

Your feel your cheeks flush, unable to hide your grin. Immediately you look down, but Camilo puts his fingers underneath your chin, lightly pushing upwards, making you look at him.

"Come on, don't be embarrassed." Camilo chuckles, taking a step back.

"I'm not." You say. A lie.

As if someone hit a switch, the sun evaporates from the sky, engulfing the two of you in a darkness. The light that has shone beneath you now gives off an eerie presence, instead of a warm one.

You gaze up towards the sky, no clouds in sight. Instead, huge, vibrant flickering stars shine, to beautiful to be true, almost like a painting to be sold at high auction.

"Uh.. Y/n?!" Camilo cautions, staring behind you.

Like a snail, you turn, backing up into Camilo's arms. You were not expecting her to be this beautiful.

Of course, this had to be Deity. The pale yellow florescence she radiates, her abnormal height, the large dress from centuries ago. What was really strange was her blonde hair, not quite platinum but a bright yellow in contrast to the pastel lullaby her mere image sings. You could almost hear a catholic choir singing an old hymn. Almost.

The pair of you were scared to say something, to make the first move. She seemed so easy to talk to, yet as if you were addressing a King.

No, kings can be easily persuaded. This was like talking to a Queen.

"Hola." Deity said, breaking the silence. You both flinch at her simple word, realizing how stupid you look.

You and Camilo stare, your jaws dropped to the water.

"Well, children? I would assume you summoned me for a reason." Deity said, her voice echoing.

"Uh, yes! Yes, we did. My home has been destroyed, the people I love dead.. by my own actions it seems." Your voice lowers at the last part.

"You look like one of the men who'd summoned me before. You were blessed once already by a Miracle, were you not?" Her eyes narrow, but in curiosity.

"Both of our families were blessed. My Abuela was the head of our Encanto.. who's husband died in sacrifice." Camilo answers.

"So you had wasted the blessing I gave you." Deity frowns.

"No! I loved my miracle, I did. It was just put into the wrong hands. Our families fought like Capulets and Montagues, and what was a miracle.." You trail off, nervous to say it.

"Became a curse." Deity finished your sentence, regret plastered on her face. "This happens sometimes. Most Encantos thrive, but rarely do they crumble. I searched their souls, those were good women. I suppose they were corrupted thereafter."

"Our Encanto is dead. We need to change the timeline. Isn't there any reality that this never happened?" You beg.

"Other realities, yes, but I can only change ours. I can't see into other worlds." Deity shakes her head.

"But you can change ours! Make it so that our Abuelas never fought!" Camilo suggests.

"That wouldn't work. The cause of the fighting is the Dual Miracles." You remind him.

"Then take away our Miracle. If we didn't have it, they wouldn't fight." Camilo changed his mind.

"It's my candle that has to be erased. Your family is who started the Encanto. What led it for thrive. My family would never have done that." You sigh, tearing up.

A silence fills the air, only crickets chirping.

"Have we come to an agreement?" Deity asks, seemingly bored.

"Yes. Make it so that you never gave my family a miracle." You say.

"That will come at a high price." Deity warns, her yellow hair blown around by a breeze picking up.

"Anything. You can have my heart, my life, my soul. Just save them!" You smile, dropping down at her feet.

"I don't require such things. I require memories of love." Deity says, dimples showing. "This boys love for you is greater than I've ever seen. Romantic love is my favorite love." Deity laughs, her eyes shining. "Not that any other love isn't as real, but I mostly obtain platonic passion, nobody ever wants to sacrifice their romance."

"No wa-"

"You can have it." Camilo says, pushing past you.

You grab his arm, pulling him down. "No!" You hiss.

"Yes!" Camilo yanks his arm away, cradling your face in his hands. "I'm sorry, Y/n, but I have to do this."

"No, you don't. I can do it, I love you too. If it will bring back Maria-"

"You are not the only one who's lost a sister to the war." Camilo cuts you off, raising his voice.

The words silence you. You hadn't thought about Dolores, or anyone else but your own sister. Even Mirabel was out of your mind. The words truly made you realize how powerless you were in this situation.

"Amor.." Camilo whispers. "I will always love you. I don't have to remember it for the love to be there."

"Do it before I change my mind." You whisper, your voice sinking into your throat.

Camilo let's you go, extending his hand to Deity. You turn away, unable to watch, trying to stem the tears flowing from your eyes.

You hear indistinct talking between the two, then silence.

And then a scream.

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