The Breakthrough

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A shocking silence filled the courtroom, an indescribable coldness. Goosebumps ran along the arms of the jury, their hairs standing up. Taking it back was futile, Farga knew the consequences.

"Run to the willow tree." Dario mouthed to his wife, horrified at the confession she made. He stared into her eyes, finding no comfort in the gaze he usually found solace in.

Farga escapes the courtroom with no difficulty, as little security was ever needed. Most people gathered in the room had little comprehension of what just unfolded.

Dario knew she would be sentenced to death.

He also knew how to save her.

You spit out debris from your mouth, opening your eyes with much difficulty. Dust settles around your face, coating you like a frosted cake with sprinkles. The dust makes it's way into your eyes, forcing you to squeeze them shut. Your body is pinned down by rocks, wood, doors, whatever leftover rubble crashed down upon you. You try yelling for help, although soon find a sharp metal rod is merely centimeters from your chin, making it impossible to get your mouth open wide enough for an impactual sound.

The injuries you've sustained before the crash throb, although now seem like a paper cut compared to the rest of your body. Cuts and bruises are painted on your face, a wooden post has splintered and lodged itself into your leg. After a few minutes, you're body goes numb, and eventually your mind.

"Mirabel!" You hear Julieta scream, along with Augustine and a few other family members. You can hear some crying, although you're not sure from who.

"Mama, Y/n was here too! Do you think she ran off with Mirabel?" Luisa asks, and your ears perk up. You listen now, although the voices seem to be drifting away.

"I don't know.. I don't know. Mirabel!" Julieta screams again, desperation in every word.

"Did you say Y/n?" Camilo's voice rings out, filled with worry and maybe even excitement.

"Yes, she is!" Dolores adds in, panic etched in her voice. "Right before my hearing went out, I heard her! I think she's buried somewhere."

"Buried?! That means she could suffocate! We've got to help her." Camilo resolutes.

"But Mirabel-" Luisa interjects, immediately getting cut off by Camilo.

"Mirabel isn't suffocating to death! She's probably just hiding somewhere. Y/n could die, or already be dead!" Camilo shouts. You were surprised, he didn't seem to like you very much. You grin, before remembering even that was painful.

"The two of us will dig." Dolores hugs her brother, reassuring him. "Luisa, you can help us, or search for Mirabel."

"Camilo's right. I love Mirabel, but Y/n is in more danger right now. I'll get shovels, for now, use your hands."

Since when does Luisa need a shovel? You rack your brain for any knowledge of this, and come up empty. Dolores had said "before her hearing went out." Did that mean the Madrigals have lost their gifts? What's happened to them?

You wiggle around like a worm, finding an empty space just a few feet from your head. You scoot over only an inch, and cry out from the pain. The metal rod stabs your chin, so you hold in your cries.

As time goes on, a warm, sticky pool of your blood gathers beneath you, growing by the minute. You stifle a sob, hearing the trios voices fade away, the sounds of their shovels dragging along the dirt as they walk away.

A gasp makes is way into your eardrums, alerting your mind but not your body.

"Tia Pepa, come quick! There's a little girl here, the L/n kid!" Luisa yells, and you hear a clutter of footsteps.

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