Close Quarters

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The rest of the night went well, or so Emilia thought. The children played around with their gifts, congratulated each other, and everyone seemed happy.

Everyone except Alma.

See, people had begun to talk about the Bruno incident, talking about Alma's parenting ability. After all, what child calls another woman "Mama" while theirs is clearly there? Alma would say hello to guests, and tell from their judgmental faces she was the subject of  gossip. Emilia was getting all the attention and praise, while Alma was slowly being pushed in the dark.

Alma pulled Emilia aside, whispering an argument against her.

"You made me look like a bad mother! Your children are stealing my magic!" Alma whisper-yelled.

"Your magic? Last I checked, your house is magical, your children are magical, the town itself is magical, but you don't carry any magic of your own!"

"My husband died for this magic!" Alma's voice cried out.

"Don't you dare play that card with me! My husband died fighting in the war, even after the Encanto was created! He didn't cower away like the rest of the town! He died protecting those who needed him!" Emilia retorted, shrieking louder now.

"At least my Pedro's death did something! Your husbands death was worthless to you and this town!" Alma's voice held the venom of a thousand snakes.

Silence pierced the air.

Alma slowly realized what she said.

"No, Emilia, I'm sorry-" Alma tried to talk back her words, but Emilia had already fled down the stairs.

"Boys! Let's go!" She shrieked, forcing Pablo and Bruno apart, and practically dragging Dario. The three left La Casa Madrigal, leaving the triplets broken hearted, and Alma to explain the mess.

You'd expected Bruno to lead you to some hideout inside the mountain borders, maybe some secret tree fort, but no. He simply turned around and tilted the painting back, entering the same way you'd seen he and Mirabel exit. Bruno turned back at you expectantly, gesturing for you to follow him.

You weren't so sure if this was the best idea, but you'd decided to go along with it. You hopped into the passageway and trailed after Bruno, who had begun speed walking. You could barely see him, even though he's only three feet ahead of you. You stepped on a loose floorboard, allowing three splinters to burrow into your foot. You let out a sharp cry, but Bruno didn't stop. You could still hear his footsteps, although they were getting farther and farther away now.

You ripped the splinters out of your foot. Man, it hurt, but You had to catch up. You hastily put your shoe back on and sprinted to catch up. The footsteps vanished, so you slowed, but not much.

An arm suddenly shot out from next to you. You slowed to a stop, but barely. Squinting, you make out a deep hole, with shredded floorboard sticking out of the sides. You look to my right and see Bruno, his face grim.

"Be careful here." Bruno says, then easily jumps five feet to another floorboard, propelling himself another five feet with just one foot, and another to the edge of the hole. You were impressed with his skills- he made the jumps look so easy.

But you weren't going to let him beat you. You'd easily been able to do these kind of jumps at home, you can do it now. Adrenaline shoots through you as you realize.. this is your first mission. To save the magic.

You notice Bruno watching you, and resolute to show off your skill. After all, he's probably the only person who hasn't seen you training. You take a small step back, then launch yourself forward, not towards the panels, but in the middle of them. You then shoot out your right leg, land on the panel, and propel yourself to the next. You barely even touch the panel as you fling forwards for the landing, and stop with a thud.

It was perfect.

Bruno merely turns and continued walking. Ugh. You thought you did well enough. You continue walking, until you reach a dark room.

The room is dusty, and filled with rats. It's cluttered, and something musty is in the air. You hate everything around you.. you make a silent promise to yourself to never come back here once you leave.

"Would you like to sit down?" Bruno offers, his hand gliding to a red chair just was dusty as the rest of the room.

"Of course, thank you." You take the seat, not wanting to reject him. After all, he offered you a seat. He may not have much, but he kept his manners for sure.

Bruno takes a seat by the table. He puts his hands together and twiddles his thumbs, his back hunched over, looking down. He looks so vulnerable, you feel terrible, and an invisible weight is placed on your chest, as you try to mentally prepare for whatever he has to say.

"Uhm.. do you want to watch something..? I've got a good range of telenovelas!" Bruno triumphantly states.

"No, no.. you wanted to talk to me, don't stall." You just want to cut to the chase. You're worried about Mirabel. "And I already know what you want to talk about."

"Which is?"

"You want to know why I'm here. You have questions about the magic, I know. And I promise you, I mean no harm to you or your family." You swear to him.

Bruno gives you an apprehensive look. A grin creeps onto his face, and a laugh escapes his mouth. Suddenly he erupts with laughter, and has to clutch his stomach.

You're beginning to rethink your decision to follow a 50 year old rat man into a dark hole.

"I'm sorry I.." he laughs more. "I didn't ask you to come here because I wanted to know about you. Dolores already told everything."

"You and Dolores are corresponding?" You say, puzzled.

"Oh yes, she sneaks me food all the time. She's the only person I've talked to since I moved here." Bruno states.

"Wait, you've been gone ten years! How did she keep that secret for so long?"

"Doesn't matter. Anyways, the reason I brought you here." Bruno stands up, creating suspense.

"I had another vision. You're going to murder someone."

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