What Pushed Her Over The Edge

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You frantically search for Mirabel, but with no luck. Eventually you see the aqua threads of Mirabels dress spinning down the corridor and out of sight.

You push through the crowd, not stopping for anyone. You remember the first night you'd met her, how she was left out of the picture then too. Of course, you'd been able to comfort her that time.

Only this time, you practically replaced her. How on earth were you gonna help her at all?

"Mira!" You shout, running through the corridors, trying to follow the flashes of her skirt you see, u til you come across a suspiciously half-open door, the sound of muffled cries spilling out.

"Mira..?" You whisper, slowly creeping in. The room is filled with weapons and suits of armor, all lined up  in neat, equal rows. Orange candlelight illuminates the black shine, an army of shadows against the wall.

"Go away." Mirabel sniffles, although you still haven't found her. It gives you a sense of where she is, and you turn to the right, inside the masses of armor.

"Mirabel, I'm sorry." You apologize, catching a glimpse of her curls. You move one of the armor stands and see her tucked into a small corner, her face in her knees, glasses thrown on the floor.

"How could you do this to me? I thought we were friends." Mirabel cries, shaking her head. Her curls bounce back and forth.

"We are friends! I'm sorry, I didn't know-"

"Didn't know what? That you left me out of a picture with my family? My family, that you're not part of. Didn't care to notice? No, we're not friends. You're just like my Abuela." Mirabel shouts, turning to face you. Her skirt is unnaturally dark, and you realize it's just a pool of tears and snot.

"No! I- I thought it would be better now. I'm sorry, Mira, please."

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm never going to be part of the family. I'm alone. Always was, always am, always will be." She resolves, wiping her tears. "I'm done. I.." She takes a deep breath, "I want the Encanto to burn."

Mirabel strides past you, a demonic look in her eyes. The kind of look Tio Pablo gets when his daughters kiss boys. The kind of look Marco gets when he sees Cisco flirting with you. The kind of look Papa gets when he decides to burn an Encanto.

A look that means no hesitation.

Instinctively, you reach out to grab her forearm.

"I can't let you do that."

Mirabel tries tugging her hand away, but you use your second hand to grip it tight. She tries using hers to continue pulling, but you refuse to release her.

"Let go!" Mirabel tugs, kicking away armor stands, crash, crash, crash.

"Mirabel stop!" You shout, a large chest plate barely missing your head.

Mirabel let's go of your arm, and you relax, believing she's done. Then something hard smacks you right on the side of your head, knocking you down. Your eyes struggle to stay open, and you feel blood dripping down your left temple. Mirabel leans down, her eyes filled with concern, then back into her fury. She turns and runs.

You see what she hit you with, a metal helmet with sharp edges and a fresh bloodstain. You immediately grab it, and chuck it at Mirabels back.

She falls, crashing into weaponry, such as spears and axes, all propped up lining the walls. They crash, and and axe just barely misses her fingers. She stares wide eyed at the axe, then scrambles up.

You tackle her, pulling down down to the ground, and get a proper chokehold on her. You push her head down, trying to get her to pass out. Slowly, she begins tiring of resisting and drifts into sleep.

You let go, regret filling your body. You had to stop her, but was this necessary? You explore the weapons area, searching for something to hold Mirabel down with when she woke up. As if answering your wishes, thin, black wire appears, and you snatch it almost immediately.

You head back towards Mirabel, and drag her over to a pillar, where you prop her up in a sitting position. You then tie her hands behind her back and around the pillar, and then wrap it around her arms and chest for good measure.

You grin, pleased with your work, before remembering that she's your best friend. Was, your best friend. You shake your head, before going off to find Julieta.

You barely have time to turn around before you hear a small sniffle.

There, standing in the doorway, is a small, afro haired boy, with the most beautiful brown freckles you'd ever seen. In his arms was a small, stitched stuffed jaguar, which fell to the ground, along with his jaw.

A single tear ran down his face, the sparkle in his eyes whenever he saw you missing from his face.

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