First Meeting

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3rd PoV.

He looked into his mirror before fixing his dirty blond hair. (yes he dyed it again but this time dirty blond to resemble Draken more)

His ocean blue eyes shimmered as always and he put on his clothing. ,,Brother wants me to meet his friends. I'm so excited." He squealed. He never met them, heck he almost never leaves the home. Besides running some errands for the brothel.

Since it was a sunny summer day he took out some dark green cardigan shorts with a green belt, he tucked in one of his favorite white t-Shirts with diffrent types of mushrooms printed on it. He took some beige brown socks and some high platform doc Martens.

He looked at his outfit through the mirror but felt uncomplete, so he went looking through his Schatulle for accessories and found his favorite earrings. A sun and a moon.

Our little flower gave himself another check up In The mirror and decided to wear a jacket because his neck is exposed and therefor shows his Tatto.

In fear that they would find it disgusting, because he didn't knew what kind of people they were, he took his loved brown jacket with angles printed on it.

In fear that they would find it disgusting, because he didn't knew what kind of people they were, he took his loved brown jacket with angles printed on it

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(These are the things I tried to describe...)

He was finally ready to meet Drakens friends at the river bank. So he took his backpack and money and walked out of his room.

,,Oh Takemichi where are you going?" The receptionist, whom Mitchy likes to call Dad, asked. After all he took care of them. ,,Ken-nii. Is letting me meet his friends." He replied excited. The man just formed an oh on his lips before returning his head towards the newspaper. ,,Be careful Takemichi. "He mumbled. ,,I will! Bye, bye." Mitchy said waving towards him and also towards some girls that were out that time.

He jumped into that elevator pressing Etage while humming with the elevator music.

He couldn't wait to meet his brothers friends ,that changed Ken a little, at the river bank.

On the other hand was Draken annoyed. He called their new formed gang here to let them finally meet his baby brother, but they'd just ignore him. Mikey would whine about how he has no Dorayaki anymore. Baji and Kazutora would rumble against each other and lastly Pah-chin and Mitsuya would laugh at their antics.

,,This is a mess." Draken sighed and looked at the watch. His brother will arrive in about five minutes. If he can't calm them down, they'd make a bad expression and maybe His brother won't allow him to go outside with them anymore.

Nahh, that isn't Mitchy like but our dear Draken still has his worry's.

,,SHUT THE F UP! I HAVE SOMETHING TO FUCKING SAY!" He yelled with rage and a very dark aura.

Everything went quiet and everyone froze in what they are doing. Draken rubbed between his eyebrows, sighed and looked at the watch again. ,,I have called you today, because I wanted you to meet my twin brother." He said calming down. Looking up. Everyone had a confused face. The first one to collect himself was surprisingly Mikey.

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