Tomans Sleepover

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Previously: Takemichi encounters his brother kidnapping Akio from school, he also saved Hanma who now became a loyal servant of Takemichi.

3rd Pov.

,,Who's that cutie?" Baji asked and Takemichi felt a deja vu because Mikey had asked the exact same thing, Mikey bonked Bajis head. ,,How dare you forget Takemichi!" He said pouting. Takemichi just blinked while his lips pressed together. After letting out a chuckle. 

Behind him was now Draken. ,,I hope you don't mind him joining us." He said rubbing his back. Mitsuya pulled Takemichi down on his lap and smirked at Draken. ,,Not at all. Your brother is always welcomed Draken." Draken lifted his fist but sighed defeated in the end.

,,Hello flower. You grew even prettier these few years." Baji exclaimed with a smirk aswell. He went over to Takemichi and grapped his hand to plant a kiss. ,,Thank you, Baji-kun. I see you grew out your hair. It suits you very much." He said while smiling.

Everyone besides Draken were struck down and flustered. ,,Damn. I'm in love." The four wispered. ,,Nene don't get attached to Mitchy." Mikey whined as he pulled Takemichi away from mitsuya and Hugged him. Takemichi just laughed. It was so nice but on the other hand sad... after all. They'd soon be Enemies.

,,How 'bout we play some games?" He asked looking all innocent at the founders. ,,Mitchys right. What do you think of 7 minutes in heave-." Before Kazutora could even finish, his head got slapped by Draken. ,,Don't you dare finish that sentence." He exclaimed, ready to kill the banana head.

,,How about Truth or dare?" Takemichi asked and everyone immediately agreed. Until the door barged open. It was Pah-chin holding a few boxes of beer. ,,I brought the booze." He exclaimed and Draken face palmed on his behavior.

,,Well hello Pah-Chin. Nice in seeing you doing well." Takemichi said smiling and Pah-chin knew exactly who he was. ,,Takemichi, Partner, it's been a while." He went over to the middle of Drakens room to place down the boxes and then went over to Mitchy to shake his hand.

,,How Are ya doing?" He asked and Takemichi answered with a smile. ,,Great and I see you're doing great too."  Pah just nodded and went to sit down.

,,So what were ya planning?" He asked and looked around the group. Mikey hugging Takemichi who was sitting in between Baji and Mitsuya. And then there's Kazutora who felt left out.

,,Oh we were thinking of planning Truth or Dare." The Banana head said. ,,Oh wow so creative. No drinking games?" Pah retorted but everyone knew he was joking.

,,Then I start." Pah said taking a full bottle of beer and spinned it around. After a while it landed on Draken. ,,Draken. Truth or Dare." He asked smirking and Draken sighed and proceeded to sit down. ,,Dare."

,,Good. Now. Ex the bottle of beer I just spinned around." Baji burst out laughing and Kazutora joined in. ,,Drakens floor will be a mess by the time the bottle is opened." The latter exclaimed still on his knees, while mitsuya just facepalmed and Mikey... he watched over Takemichis shoulders.

Draken took the bottle hesitantly and glanced at the opener. ,,What are you waiting for nii-san. A dare is a dare." Takemichi said smiling and the rest chuckled.

Seeing his twin, Draken wanted to impress him and fastly opened the bottle to down it in one shot. The beers foam splashed out of his mouth whilest Draken gulped everything down, after seven seconds he slammed the beer on the floor and whiped his mouth.

,,Great now that the bottle is empty we can use it properly." Pah exclaimed happy and Draken looked at him annoyed. He then started to spin it round and round.

And it landed on Mikey. ,,Mikey Truth or Dare." Ken asked and looked at Mikey. ,,Dare." The latter shot out. ,,Stop hugging or clinging to my brother Mitchy." Draken stated and smirked at Mikey. ,,Nooooo." The obsidian eyed blond whined.

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