🍋The future🍋

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PoV. Takemichi

Kisaki finally told me his strike and I was disgusted. Kinda..

I put on a red wig and yellow contacts at my hand I did a Hanna tattoo where The writing Karma was seen. I sighed as I looked in the mirror. Kisaki standing behind me smirking at my appearance.

3rd PoV.

Takemichi looked more dangerous right now.

"Try to let this aura out." Kisaki told the now red head. "With that disguise no one will realize it's you, especially if you wear these high platform boots and this earring. It makes you appear taller."

Takemichi did as he was told. He wore a beige turtle neck with grey cargo pants. A cigar in his hand.

He was indeed nervous. How couldn't he? After all he would have to fight against his brother and Mikey. He doesn't actually think that he has a chance against Mikey but he fell to much in Kisakis grasp.


As Mikey, Akio, Mitsuya and Draken were talking with Peh Takemichi also Karma came out of the shadows. "Now, Now."

He walked towards them, another person besides him carrying an umbrella so Takemichi wouldn't get wet. "Mikey's not all brawn." He voiced out in a dark edgy voice and exhaled a smoke from his cigarette.

"You! You're behind all this!" Mikey yelled and it stinged in Takemichis heart. "How smart."

Mikey came dangerously close. "Names Karma, I'm here to destroy you inside ou-." Takemichis speech was cut of by a kick in the head. But The red head managed to block of Mikeys kick.

"Not so hasty." The red haired Takemichi chuckled,

"Now how will you win? With only four mere guys of toman versus 200 from Moebius?" Takemichi also karma dropped the cigar and stomped on it.

"I'm not as soft as Osanai. So if anyone budges I won't hesitate to hunt down their families." This was a threat, even though Takemichi wouldn't do it, his words came over convincing as the Moebius members screamed out a battle cry.

Just then motorcycle sounds were heard and the whole gang came in view. Karma grit his teeth, how would he fight all the people he knows. Kazutora, Baji, Mitsuya, Mikey and his brother... he doesn't want to but he has to..

"Oh wow. Never thought Toman could get other people that fast?" He said in a playful tone, making Mikey even more pissed as he tried another kick that was again blocked by Karma.

"Now that's a little fair isn't it? Let's begin this war." He exclaimed hands spreading out and everyone sprinted at each other.

Karma looked away at his umbrella holder. "Kisaki-Chan. How about you go right now? It'd be better. I don't want you to be targeted." He mumbled out quietly his eyes shifting away towards Akio.

Kisaki didn't answer just bowed and left the scene with his umbrella.

He sighed as he watched some Toman members approaching him. It took less then a minute to take them out.

Eyes shifting again at Kazutora and Baji who fought side by side with another guy. "Seems like they have f-.""MIKEY KUN! DRAKEN HAS BEEN STABBED!." A voice yelled and Takemichis head turned into the way the voice was coming from.

It was Akio who was holding Draken who had severe injuries. Than his eyes scanned the field. It was a man in Tomans uniform that left the battle field with a knife in his hands. He was having an ugly grin as if he'd just killed the biggest sinner in the world.

He didn't want to stop Mikey but he had to. So he kicked Mikey as he wanted to run towards Akio."Found you Mi key~" he exclaimed and Mikey looked pissed.

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