Whats the truth?

415 13 2

3rd PoV.

Takemichi looked baffled at Akio, who instead looked at his hand and then Takemichis hand in confusion.
'Did he know something.....did Akio know something he doesn't' Takemichi looked back to his father and to the four infront of him and Akio looked back at the three, who nodded at him.
"Takemichi, you might not want to hear it, but you should have a talk with Draken.
Lately he's been even more stressed and definitely had restless nights" Akio stated and the three behind him nodded.

Takemichi sighed and looked at them all; Akio, Hakkai, Chifuyu, Mitsuya and then Akio again. Today was such a weird day, his power gave him more and longer sights in the future and now Akio acts like this and Akios future doesn't add up with Kisakis mind....

"I will.... I myself have been stressed lately and just have been taking it out on the wrong people...Ken was always near when I had a mental breakdown and tried to pry inside when I didn't want to, which is why I got upset with him.... I'll talk to him. See you soon Hakkai, Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Akio..." Takemichi glanced at Akio one last time before turning around to his adoptive father.

"You haven't told me that Ken is sleep deprived." He stated to his father with a passive face and his father just shrugged as he walked out the hospital. "You haven't told Ken about that illness." And Takemichi chuckled at that. "Fair point."

He looked up to the hospital and saw the doctor preening through a window at him with a sad smile, but as he blinked her reflection was gone... probably just his imagination.


Back at the brothel he took a book and sat himself down in Drakens room on his bed, he wasn't there yet and Takemichi wouldn't play his chances so he decided to read a book in Drakens room to wait until he's back.

It was a newly published book under a pen name "I fell in love with hope" was the titel and Takemichi found himself enthralled in the beautiful writing style that he was presented by Lancali.

However, he did not have much time to enjoy certain book. as his brother entered the room soon after. So Takemichi put his book away on the bed and stared into the eyes of his surprised younger brother.

"Ken... I think it is about time that we talk... one on one and full of honesty." Which was partly true, he was being honest with his brother in parts of his distance and with his sickness, not that he is secretly Karma and with that Tomans mortal enemy.

"I think so too." Draken nodded as he pulled the door close behind himself and walked towards the bed as Takemichi gestured to it, that he sat down next to him. Draken hesitantley approached Takemichi, still unsure about the olders frustrationtolerance, as it has been very low lately.

"Don't be shy and sit down... I am not gonna snap at you..." He looked away in shame after he spoke, since that is what he has been doing the past days, snapping at his brother. Draken sat down next to him, as the bed dipped in familiar fashion.

"I want to apologize for being mad at you as well... I guess I am not used to the fact that you are my older, not my younger, brother. However I did overreact as you came home with lovebites... Even though it pains me to say it... but love is your business.. We are 17 years old now and I do not blame you for trying out love, as I myself am in a relationship with Emma. It is just that my protective older brother came out at that moment... since we haven't been talking lately I was scared, that maybe someone took adventage of you in the late night... nowadays there are many evil gangs walking on the street, who just rape innocent passerbys..." Draken explained with a downcast, near tear stung expression, which made Takemichis sick heart hurt even more and he layed a hand on Drakens shoulder, who immedeatly leaned into the touch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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