Sike baes

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I came back with the milk to feed you some short but good stuff

3rd. PoV

Takemichi sat in the waiting room, next to his foster father, who, just as anxious looked around the empty room.

"You know you should not hide this from-" "I know." "And why are you-?" "Because I can. He should worry about his own problems."

His father sighs but doesn't bring the topic about his brother up again, they sat in anticipation next to another, waiting for the nurse or doctor. He just wanted the treatment for his CAD, nothing more. Today was actually the day, where Akio and Chifuyu fight against, Taiju, and Takemichi can't be there to help Kisakis acts.

Once in a lifetime, Kisaki was fine with him not coming, knowing it would just be a small part of his plan, and his appearance as karma was not needed.

"Ryuguji Takemichi?" A lady with dark skin and long black hair asked, her deadly and poisonous green eyes staring at him. "I am Hanagaki Y/N, the Tetta have reffered me to you. Is this your supervisor?" Takemichi nodded and stood up, following the tall as hell woman inside the room.

He was awed by her, she seemed way to tall for an average person, and she looked so trained, way too many muscles for a mere doctor. She had the aura of a person who went through stuff, as if she also been in a gang before. Maybe she's an older generation, just like Shinchiro or Wakasa.

Inside the room, his heart has been checked by the doctor and she nodded. "As always, the Tettas diagnosis was a little wrong, but only a little, no worrys, you don't have CAD." She stated camly and Takemichi got confused. "Based on their report it sounds like CAD, but since I got every result of the experiments they did, I saw that they miss diagnosed something, no worrys tho. It is common to misdiagnose your actual illness with CAD, so I don't doubt that the Tettas did not look more after checking most of your symptoms and just wrote it off as CAD."

Takemichi gulped, Kisakis parents misdiagnosed him. At his left his foster father broke the little silence with a cough. "Dr. Hanagaki, You're scaring me and my child, despite you telling us it's nothing to worry about, what does he have? What does my son have?" He asked with very serious note, which just got an amused smile out of her.

"What your son has... What you have Takemichi, is Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy also called HCM, it's a genetic condition that causes the heart muscle to thicken, making it harder for the heart to pump blood. It can present with symptoms similar to CAD, such as chest pain and shortness of breath. However it is a little diffrent , because HCM is typically a congenital or inherited condition, meaning it is present from birth or develops during childhood or adolescence. CAD, on the other hand, is more commonly associated with aging and the gradual buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries. HCM is often caused by mutations in certain genes that affect the structure of heart muscle proteins. It can run in families, and individuals with a family history of HCM are at a higher risk. CAD is influenced by various risk factors, including lifestyle choices for example smoking or diets and genetics, but it doesn't have a direct genetic cause like HCM. The hallmark of HCM is the thickening of the heart muscle, particularly the left ventricle. This hypertrophy can obstruct the flow of blood out of the heart, leading to various symptoms. HCM often leads to impaired diastolic function, meaning the heart has difficulty relaxing and filling with blood during the relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle. This can result in symptoms like shortness of breath and exercise intolerance.
HCM is associated with a higher risk of arrhythmias, such as atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. These irregular heart rhythms can lead to palpitations, fainting spells, or sudden cardiac arrest. A characteristic feature of HCM is the presence of a heart murmur, which is a sound produced by turbulent blood flow due to the obstruction caused by the thickened heart muscle. CAD typically does not produce the same types of murmurs. HCM carries a risk of sudden cardiac death, especially in young individuals and athletes. This risk is primarily due to arrhythmias and may not be as pronounced in CAD. People with HCM often experience exercise intolerance and fatigue, which can be different from the exercise-induced angina commonly seen in CAD. The management and treatment of HCM involve medications like beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers, lifestyle modifications, and in some cases, surgical procedures for example myectomy or alcohol septal ablation. It's important to differentiate between HCM and CAD because their underlying causes, risk factors, and treatment strategies can vary significantly. Accurate diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial to ensuring the best outcomes for individuals with these conditions. Patients with symptoms suggestive of heart disease should seek medical evaluation to determine the precise cause and receive appropriate care."

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