I am Gay

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3rd. PoV.

After the sudden reveal of Takemichi being the older Twin, the latter distanced himself again from his brother. It was as if the past two years were relived again and Draken hated it, but he never got a chance to clear things out with Takemichi.

Takemichi was rarely at the motel anymore. He still did his chores and errands but other than that Draken barely gets a glimps on his brother.

Meanwhile Takemichi was feeling really awful! He maybe regretted yelling at Draken like this but the thing that made him feel awful was rather the intense pain in his heart.

He told Kisaki about it, who let his socials play and his parents, who are doctors, took some scans and blood test. So the past few days were also killing him mentally since he finally wanted his results.

He also realized that he's being under strict supervision at the Toman hideout. He feels his every movement watched so he never expressed his pain anymore. He got almost used to the stinging pain, but in a bad way not in a good way.

He doesn't want to be labeled weak so he's doing to much over his reach to achieve that, it just gets to break anytime soon and neither will he know when it's coming.

Just like right now, Takemichi was feeling sick and couldn't express it due to him being at a toman Meeting, because Hakkai wants to retreat.

Why? Because Akio got in trouble with Black Dragons tenth generation and needed protection and the protection he received was... Hakkai leaving Toman and joining Black Dragon, so there won't be a conflict.

Akio was really a Pain in the butt. He could understand what trouble he brings Kisaki in the future. But right now he just sighed at the action before him, not even Mitsuya-San decided to stop Hakkai, which was very confusing. But  who was he? Takemichi can look into the future, not read minds or travel through time...

He maybe prevented two No three deaths due to this ability, but also only because it showed him few seconds of the future..

He didn't know why he got this gift in the first place, but he promised his non existent elders to put it to good use.

Back to the real deal tho. Karma looked at Kisaki who worriedly looked back. After Hakkai left, the meeting was luckily dismissed and Karma distanced himself from Muscle and Maski and walked over to Kisaki.

"What's wrong, buddy?" Karma asked in his mockingly voice but soon stopped as he saw the look on Kisakis face. "Your blood results came today." Kisaki stated and took out an envelope. "My parents didn't tell me what you have, but from the look of their faces.... It seems very bad."

Kisaki looked back into Takemichis/Karmas eyes, only to find a smile. "No matter what kind of disease it is, I'll survive! I'm not weak Tetta, I'll survive everything. The dragon doesn't call me zombie for no reason." Karma said smirking in Drakens direction who just gave a confused look back, but karma already turned around an away from his brother and Kisaki.

So that neither of them saw the terrified stare he gave that light blue envelope. His hands started to tremble, the pain in his chest began to explode and for once in a while Takemichi felt weak.

He felt on verge of tears as his trembling hands almost ripped the envelope apart. But he wouldn't open this Important letter at Musashi shrine, so he left. He left Kisaki alone without saying goodbye or anything.

"Seems like it really is something horrible." Chifuyu said and Baji nodded alongside Kazutora. These three have been eavesdropping and recording the coversation of Kisaki and Karma and came to the conclusion that Kisaki and Karma might know each other for a long time.

The Dragon twins (DraTake brother AU)Where stories live. Discover now