Bloody Halloween

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"You'll help me out right? Kazutora will kill Baji and then himself. Please help me stop this."
3rd PoV.

Chifuyu was stunned. Not only didn't the Enemy attack him, but also he told Chifuyu a leading clue. He turned towards Akio, who tilted his head, questioning the action of Karma.

On the other hand Karma was looking out for the third division. They are all attacking him.

One grabbed Karmas arm but he twisted out of it and kneeled it. He knew he was doing damage to the gang Mikey worked hard for. But he couldn't help it.

Another Toman member jumped him from behind and choked his neck real hard on which Karma just smirks. He lifts his right foot up and swings it back in the genitals of the guy, who let go and got on his knees shivering. "You used your own weakness against another." Another member of Toman stated looking terrified.

"Oh and do I care?" Karma asked, grinning again and touched the red mark at his neck.

This sent shivers up to even the audience.

Ran looked at Rindou and Rindou retrieved the look. This guy is definitely a psychopath. They took a liking to the read head, mostly because he looked fashionable and was good as hell in those platform boots. "But aren't the pants he's wearing, looking familiar?" Rindou quietly asked his brother. Who took a look at the pants. He quickly took out his phone and scrolled through that.

He found the photo he was looking for. Takemichi wearing the same pants as the guy. "Yeah. It really is familiar. If it weren't for the diffrent hair and eye color and the diffrent eye shape, I would've thought it was our little flower serving in this battle." Ran stated. Rindou looked up and nodded, there were many differences, must be a coincidence.

Back to the battle, Karma was now dealing with five guys at the time. "Yikes. Are the only strong ones your division captains?" Karma asked and let the next five guys rest on the dirty sandy floor. Then it hit him, Kisaki was executing his plan right now and wants to keep Him occupied.

He face palmed at the sudden realization and just stood there for a minute to think.

"What's wrong with that guy?" Rindou asked. "He looks like he's found the solution for world peace." Ran continued snickering.

Because Karma stood there unaware of his surroundings, a person landed a fist on him. He stumbled back in reality and noticed it was his own twin brother, who laid a hand on him. "Rude. I was in the middle of a thought. Don't you have a little manner."

Karma gulped, Draken, his own brother. He needed to fight his own Brother. He sighed and got into a fighting stand, while Draken ran up to him. "KARMA!" He yelled and Takemichi or Karma cracked a crazy smile. "LETS DANCE, DRAKEN!!" He yelled back.

Just as Draken swung his fist at Karmas face, Karma bowed down tapped with his foot and danced around Draken, holding the fist that was just swung at him. A vein pooped out of Drakens forehead as Karma twirled around him. "IS THIS WHOLE FIGHT A JOKE TO YOU?!" Draken asked angered which made Karma go out of his Karma personality and looked really hurt, being scolded by his brother.

Draken was confused, as The personality of Karma switched from Baddass, to obidient and Crying child back to a baddass. "Ouch. Of course I'm taking this seriously. I'm just doin it my way, dear Draken." He said bowing towards Draken as if he was a butler that granted a request.

This action just ticked off Draken more, so the latter swang another fist. Karma could just block the fist and it hurt like hell. Yes Takemichi might be strong but he is not as strong as his brother. Maybe if he loses himself to his dark urges, he'll win, but that would end in a bloody mess and he doesn't want another dead body, especially when it's the one of his own brother.

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