In the wrong Hands

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Previously: Kisaki was saved from bully's by Takemichi and Kisaki wants to make Takemichi his puppet

3rd Pov.

2 Month later

Takemichi was on edge. It's been two month that him and Kisaki met and every time they would meet he was bruised up.

,,It's nothing." Kisaki would always say but it's on an edge, so is it today.

Again he and Kisaki met and again Kisaki was bruised up and even had some cuts in the face as well. Takemichi collected himself before going inside a store and buying some meds.

He went to the playground where he left Kisaki and saw him on a swing, swinging around in deep thought. Takemichi sighs...He swears to god if it's that Akio guy he saw in the vision, who's at fault for some deaths. He'd beat the crap out of him. He sat down next to Kisaki and threw the meds at Kisakis lap.

After that he started to swing around, wondering how he could make Kisaki say who hurts him. He looks at the watch on his wrist and it was almost time to go back home. ,,Ne, ne Kisaki... Tell me who did this." Takemichi said while glaring at the two year younger boy.

(In the original Au Takemichi is 14 , Kisaki 13 and Draken 15, now that Draken and Takemichi are twins, Takemichi is 15 aswell, that makes the age gap two years.
At the moment Takemichi is 13 and Kisaki 11. Because this occurred abit  after "shinchiro death".)

,,We've been meeting for two months so you know what about my Charakter." Kisaki started and Takemichi nodded. Yes indeed the boy is very smart, Takemichi noticed that right away. So it could be that he was bullied for his brain. Takemichi clenched his fist, is that the youth nowadays?

,,I'm planning my revenge very slowly, to make that Akio guy pay..." Kisaki said. Takemichi smiled softly. After seeing the future for Kisaki, that was fake but Takemichi doesn't know that, he wanted to devote his life for that 'poor' boy.

,,In what way?" Takemichi asked just for fun, he wanted to lighten up the mood a little. ,,The most painful way I can imagine. I want him to suffer how I suffered. I want to take the person  he devours away like he did to me." Kisaki stated looking at his trembling hand with his eyes widened.

(No our oblivious Mitchy TwT)

Takemichi smiled softly and stood up. He placed his hand on Kisakis shoulder.


Takemichi was certain, that guy that screamed those hurting words was Kisaki....his eyes widened. Did he say Draken.

His Ken..

His brother is dead in the future?

He held back the tears he was about to shed, after all he needs to be a person Kisaki can rely on. ,,I'll help you Kisaki. From now on I'm karma." Takemichi said smiling at the younger boy. These word were music in Kisakis ears. Oh how badly he wanted to finally hear these words from the dirty blond. And karma, that's a pleasant Name.

,,We'll see each other kisaki. Tell me your plans then, I'll gladly help as good I can. But right now I need to go home or my bro is throwing a tantrum again."

,,bye." Kisaki said waving back with that fake ass plastered smile on his face. He knows he needs to treat this guy good, or this gem will soon be snatched away from his hands. He did handful work on those bruises, as he asked a random guy called Hanma to beat him up.

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