Takemichi's Simps grow

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3rd. Pov.

Takemichi was taking time off. He always kept whining about his hair being black again but Draken said it's his own fault.

After the sleepover Takemichi was always invited by Mikey, Baji and Kazutora or Mitsuya to hang out. So they were the only ones hanging out.

But today he decided to leave Shibuya and relax in Roppongi. Of course he let Kisaki know about this. But Draken. No. Draken would've forbid Takemichi to go to Roppongi, after all there are the Haitanis ruling over the city.

But our now black haired Mitchy is sick of all the possessiveness everyone has towards him so he told Draken he was going to a library because he wanted some alone time. The male understood that and promised to keep the simps in company so they won't bother Takemichi.

Well he is strolling around Roppongi and goes window shopping. His Tattoo is showing and he is the attraction of peoples stares. All are looking at the tattoo in the neck of the Flower.

Takemichi wore a white colored t-shirt with a different colored vest and blue shorts. With that his usual doc martens and white socks. With that he wore a fluffy white Purse.

"My, my what do we have there?" Amethyst eyes asked staring at a boy that was looking at a jacket. "Such an eye-candy. Don't cha think so Rindou?" A braided haired male stated with his hair being switched between black and blonde hair. A blonde haired guy with blue stripes, glasses and the same eyes color switched towards the Boy his brother has been eyeing.

The lollipop that was once in his mouth fell down as he looked at the beautiful male. ,,Yes, he is." He said as he looked again at the boy that was now entering the shop.

,,But the tattoo seems pretty familiar." Ran stated his eyes darkening. He was trying so hard to remember. ,,Anyways. Let's go after him. I wanna get to know that Candy." Ran stated an let go of the corpse. They walked out if the corridor, that was leaking crimson red blood and screamed danger.

Takemichi wanted to pay for the new cute coats and vest he just bought but before he could hand over the money there was some commotion behind him.

Two teenagers coming through the door and people bowed down. Takemichi immediately knew who they were... the Haitani brothers.

He didn't knew why they were here, but he didn't think he did something to catch their attention. After all he didn't fight anyone today. But to his surprise they went up to him and to the lady.

Takemichi just turned back to the lady wanting to pay but the lady shoved the bag of clothes into his hands. "It's on the house. Please have a great day sirs." She said then bowing. Weird.

Weird for Takemichi, but it were the Haitani brothers who were glaring at the cashier when she was about to accept the sapphire eyed money.

Takemichi turned around with the bag in the hand and looked up to the haitanis who were smiling at him. "You're not from here are you?" Ran began and Takemichi just nodded. The intense eyes that were staring at him were making him uncomfortable.

That went noticed by the rulers of Roppongi and Ran hold Takemichis Waist. "We'd love to show you around." He said and Both the Haitanis, plus Takemichi being hold by Ran went out of the store.

"Ne. What's your name or should I just call you candy?" Ran asked while Rindou just stared at him in awe from behind. Takemichi suddenly realized his rudeness and bowed down. "Takemichi, my name is Takemichi." He said and looked up again to see a chuckling Rindou.

"Don't be like that Takemichi. I'm Rindou and that flirt over there is my older brother Ran." Takemichi nodded again. "Your tattoo reminds me of someone..." Ran said and Takemichi flinched. If they find out he is related to Draken he may become a target to get Toman to their weak point....

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