6 - Black Army

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-=₪ February 1922 ₪=-

A.B.C / Bonny Street / 8.11am

The distillery was always open by six o'clock in the morning. If Alfie had a lot of trouble sleeping the night before, he could be at his desk as early as five, or even four o'clock, which was often the case. This meant that by eight o'clock the distillery was always a hive of activity.

Not only were barrels being rotated, but today a fresh batch of rum was being processed, either for aging or bottling.

On a table nearby the office a few bakers were testing the proof of the new batch of rum. It was so potent that sometimes the sudden flame that erupted was closer to a small explosion, sending up a little mushroom cloud.

"I wish they would be more careful at the tasting table, especially amongst the barrels and open bottles." Malka stated as a small explosion caught her attention through the office windows.

Malka was standing at the captain's desk shuffling though some papers while Alfie was inspecting a pile of aprons on Ollie's desk. He glanced up to join Malka observing the bakers. They were playing with a naked flame between their fingers next to a row of glasses filled with rum.

"I'll have a word," he replied flatly, annoyed at what he was witnessing.

Alfie was looking somewhat together and ready for a full day in the bakery. He'd taken time to put Brilliantine through his hair, put on a clean shirt and his long johns were somewhat acceptable for a change. As he put on a fresh apron, Ollie came through the open office door.

"They're here, almost. I can see them coming down the canal." he confirmed, a little out of breath.

"Good lad." Alfie said as he lifted a handful of folded aprons from a box and piling them into a wire tray on the edge of Ollie's desk.

"I want you to hand one of these to each lad as he leaves." stated Alfie.

Ollie nodded.

"So, what ya got for me?" Alfie asked turning to his wife.

"This is the list of names Tommy sent." she answered, pointing to a piece of paper on the desk.

Alfie moved closer to Malka to see it. He stood intimately close as he placed a hand on the paper in front her, as if reading the list. She knew he wasn't, his glasses remained hanging around his neck. Malka could feel his warmth and smell of the Brilliantine. She closed her eyes as she felt a rush of exhilarating arousal, which in turn, annoyed her.

"Documents for the men are here, there are more on Ollie's desk." she said quietly, "mark the names off as you go, make sure they are all present and correct." she stated, struggling with his closeness.

"Thank you" he whispered.

She felt his breath on her neck and his eyes on her profile. She cleared her throat and side stepped away from the desk and Alfie.

"I will be at the Meet. It is all ready for them." she said, avoiding his eye.

"You got enough pencils? And the stamp?" he asked.

Malka nodded while looking out the office windows. The men were arriving from the canal side entrance at the far end of the distillery.

"What time will Tommy be here?" she asked, still watching the men walking towards the office.

"Ten." Alfie answered, sitting down at his desk, and grabbing a pencil.

Malka stepped out the office door towards the approaching men.

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