34 - In Vain

308 20 5

-=₪ February 1926 ₪=-

Small Heath / Birmingham / 6.49am

Peaky Blinders scene from Series 4, Episode 4

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Peaky Blinders scene from Series 4, Episode 4. Timestamps;
- Netflix 47:30 - 53:45
- BBC iPlayer 48:00 - 54:23


Home / 150 Camden Street / 5:56pm

The drive to Birmingham had been an unusual one, Ishmael had noted Alfie's mood as being, well, unusual. There had been a distinct lack of conversation, or more, a lack of being spoken at while being psychoanalysed. A trait both Malka and Alfie shared. Instead, the atmosphere was a silent air of deep brooding and when he did speak it was often derisive. Ishmael was keen to ask after his sister, especially given Alfie's mood, but decided not engaging was for the best. He then considered maybe asking Malka directly upon their return, which would most likely elicit a more honest and straightforward response anyway. Although, with greater consideration his sister would typically share what she wanted and not a crumb more, so probably not.

The trip home, however, had taken a turn from brooding to tempestuous; Alfie was angry, seething even. The closer to London and Camden they got, the darker the cloud which loomed over him became. The car was silent for the entire journey, the only form of communication was worried looks shared between Ishmael and Louis in the rear-view mirror.

Arriving home, Ishmael parked, said his brief goodbyes and made a quick exit, keen to return to his young family. As he departed from Alfie and Louis, he made a point with himself to call Malka later that evening and check that all was well.

Louis observed Ishmael leaving and how perturbed he looked as he slipped his hands into his trouser pockets and slunk away. Turning his focus to his uncle, he found him already across the road and fighting with the house keys. As Louis crossed the street to catch up, Alfie exclaimed profanities at his clanking keys and finally thrust one into the door and turned with force. The high gloss black and gold front door swung open.

Crossing the threshold, Alfie pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time. Louis swiftly followed him in, closed the door behind them and then turned to the receiving area where he noticed Edna approaching with Alfred in her arms. Louis was pleased to see the infant and threw him a broad smile which Alfred returned.

"Where's my wife?" Alfie demanded without looking up from his watch as Edna drew closer.

Her greeting smile faded as Alfie's tone was not a pleasant one. Alfred looked at his father with worry as did Louis.

"Not home, Sir." she replied politely.

Alfie's brow became heavy as he noticed Alfred hold out his arms towards Louis. Edna instinctively moved to pass the child, but quickly stopped herself, glancing to Alfie instead, who eventually gave a silent indication that it was acceptable for Alfred to go to Louis rather than himself. Things between him and Alfred still hadn't been settled and it continued to upset Alfie, even if he didn't express it.

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