29 - Black Hand

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-=₪ 23rd December 1925 ₪=-

A.B.C / Bonny Street / 9.07am

The distillery wasn't full of its usual activity. Some men were working, but the majority were gathered in The Meet chatting and killing time.

In the office, Bina and Ollie were sat on the sofa. Ollie was bored as he looked about the cramped space. Even Cyril the dog had received enough fuss and had gone to sleep under the captain's desk.

Bina was silently observing Alfie, who was sat at his desk with his elbows on the leather while twiddling his beard. His eyes were stern, but strangely vacant, as if lost in deep thought. She could almost see the cogs turning inside his bone box.

As the office door opened, Ollie seemed thankful his boredom may finally be relieved. Bina, however, jumped from the sudden noise and Alfie checked his pocketwatch.

"You're late." he mumbled, snapping closed the cover and looking to the arrivals.

"Yes, well. The problem is your son, Alfie, he screams the bloody house down for at least an hour after you leave for work." sighed Malka as she joined Alfie behind the desk, "I am not going to leave him with Abigail in that state, it is not fair to her."

Ishmael, who arrived with Malka made himself as comfortable as possible on the uncomfortable dining chair that tended to float about the room.

"I appreciate that Mal." Ishmael nodded, "his screams go right through me." he added, screwing up his face.

Malka leaned back against the safe just behind Alfie and crossed her arms.

"Right." said Alfie, "shall we get started?" he asked, looking to Bina.

For the last eighteen months, Bina had been the A.B.C accountant in training. However, she had been so good that Malka was happy for Bina to do much of the work solo these days, giving Malka much needed extra time with her son.

Alfie was also working less, delegating more duties to the lads. Since Alfred's birth, he was spending as much time with his son as possible. The family were happy to accommodate without complaint since learning of Alfie's condition some ten months previous.

That said, business was struggling, leaving Bina and Ollie at a loss on how to steer the ship back on course. Their calling of the meeting was in hopes of gaining some guidance. Bina sat forwards on the sofa looking down at some papers on her lap. Rustling them a little and clearing her throat, she then looked to the stern and intimidating proprietors.

"The Scotch deliveries have all but stopped. When they do show up, the shipment is light. Often significantly so." Bina stated clearly.

She cleared her throat again and looked back down to her papers. Ishmael watched Bina become shy, he glanced over to Alfie and Malka, as if unamused by Bina's uncomfortable demeanor. Ollie rubbed his wife's back in comfort as he sat forwards to speak.

"The American market is losing interest in Rum. The Boston warehouse has a growing number of unshifted stock. Our shipments have been less than half of what they used to be and we may need to stop altogether. For a time, at least."

Alfie's fist came down to the desk under its own weight, causing a thud. Bina jumped as she sifted through her papers. Locating one specific document, she discard the unwanted papers on the coffee table and took cautious steps towards Alfie's desk.

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