-=₪ November 1932 ₪=-
The Mansion / Margate / 3.56am
The master bedroom was dark. The warm embers in the fireplace offered no illumination and even when the bedroom door was opened and closed again, no light came in with it.
The figure of a man walked slowly past the foot of the bed causing a floorboard to creak. He froze and looked to Malka who was sleeping soundly in the bed. She didn't stir.
He continued towards the dressing table where upon he opened a small wooden box. Inside was filled with gold jewellery which he carefully began to pick through. Item after item, he lifted each piece close to his face and then discarded it to the dressing surface. Eventually finding what he was looking for, his eyes flicked up to the hat that hung on a nail above the dressing table mirror with a stern glare as he slipped a ring onto his finger.
The man then turned towards the bed and quietly approached the bedside trying not to wake the house as he did so. The almost non-existent flame in an oil lamp that sat on his nightstand increased as he turned the small knob a little; a low warm glow filled the room. He looked to the woman who slept soundly on the opposite side of the bed; she faced him, her arm resting across the bed like she was reaching for him. He slipped off his coat and shoes, lifted back the sheets and begun undoing his trousers.
The cold air against Malka's face turned warm, she roused and felt lips press against hers. Her entire being filled with the scents of brilliantine, tobacco, and rum. Her heart began to beat, and her lungs filled with air once again, she was alive. Wrapping her arms around him, she squeezed tightly and kissed him back. Her fingers then frantically roamed to his face where she felt his beard, a smile broke from the corner of her kiss and tears of happiness fell from her.
"Alfie?" she said breathlessly.
"Yeah." he replied.
She whimpered and accepted his weight firmly onto her. His warmth surrounded her, and his soul kissing filled her blood with a revitalised energy. Every inch of her skin tingled and fizzed as the bed filled with electricity.
A moan rumbled from him as their kissing became quickly passionate and their desire began to overwhelm their bodies. They fought for breath unable to relent their kissing, as he invaded her, filled her. She quivered with wanting and moaned his name as she got it, feeling him all over her, outside of her, and inside of her.
Swimming in hot erotic sweat they reached climax simultaneously. Alfie attempted to kiss Malka deeply to help reduce her noise, her pants, and moaning. But his need to gasp for air as they jointly came couldn't stifle her cries entirely.
Her glow, the heat and sweat, helped the tension in her body melt away, if only for a short time, as she basked in the glory of the man she loved. His weight remained and her legs stayed clamped to his sides as they shared soft kisses.
"I miss you so much." she whispered, her fingers running through his hair, "Please stay with me, Alfie. Please don't leave again."
"This can't keep happening." he replied quietly, bursting her bubble, "you have things you should be doing." he stated while resting his forehead against hers.
"But I can't without you, you were always the one who knew what to do, not me. I just can't, please Alfie, it's all too much." she confessed and begged.

The Camden Tales
FanfictionAlfie Solomons, the crime boss of Camden Town and King of the Jews: estranged from his wife, his empire crumbling and ravaged by war, he makes a deal with the devil, and nothing is the same again. Covering his years of involvement with the Birmingha...