63 - Overture

125 14 6


-=₪ July 1908 ₪=-

Warehouse / Poplar Docks / 7.08pm

As the summer sun doggedly clung to the sky, refusing to acknowledge the encroaching evening, Alf and his motley crew were embroiled in their traditional Thursday game of Whist.

"Don't ya think they're a bit... too close? Ya know, even for birds?" Roger postulated, tipping his head towards the entwined Malka and Faith on the old sofa propped up against the back wall of the warehouse.

Fred and Billy glanced over to the group of girls chatting there, while Alf barely registered the sight, "They're close, is all," he mumbled, mind ticking over which card might best command the next round.

"Close?" he scoffed, "Billy, Faith is yer girl. Ya must agree they're... ya know? I mean, if one of 'em were a bloke, ya'd have sumthin' to say."

"Yeah, but they're both girls," replied Billy, laying down his card in Alf's wake of the Ace of Hearts, "I like it, makes me rock hard."

Fred rolled his eyes.

"So, Alf, Mal putting out yet?" asked Roger, shifting his attention.

"For fuck's sake," sighed Fred, impatiently waiting for Roger's pending move.

With an unflinching stare riveted on his cards, Alf merely shook his head.

"What? Wait," grinned Billy, "She ain't fucking ya? Like, not ever?"

Alf remained silent.

"I know it must be hard for ya to fathom Billy," interjected Fred, "what with yer bird being an ex whore 'n' yer sister screwin' this one," he said, gesturing to Roger, "but not all women feel the need to open their legs constantly."

"Hey!" Billy exclaimed indignantly.

"Thanks, Fred," added Alf.

"Yeah, but Alf ain't just anybody, is he?" said Roger, "They've been together for two fucking years, an' he's had a hard-on for her much longer than that. You'd think the man could get a little action," he rattled on, tossing his card onto the table.

"Give it a rest, yeah?" Alf retorted, "It ain't a simple thing for her, alright? She's... been through things. It's had an effect."

"Yeah, and now she bats for the other side," snickered Roger.

"Don't be daft," admonished Alf.

"That Caroline would open her legs for ya in a heartbeat, Alf," Billy teased, smirking.

"Yeah, I know," Alf mumbled, giving a sidelong glance to Caroline as she drifted over from the lounge area.

"Do my ears bleed?" Caroline asked, flashing a grin at Alf.

"Burn," Alf mumbled, not lifting his eyes from his cards.

"What?" she asked, gazing at his hand.

"Yer ears burn, not bleed, when ya being talked about," he corrected.

"So, ya were talkin' about me," she deduced, elated.

Fred slapped down the Two of Hearts. As Alf picked up his played Ace of Hearts, he flipped it over, laying it in front of him like he'd won the trick.

"No, mate. Ya lost," Billy corrected.

"It's an ace, Bill, of hearts. That's the suit."

"Right, but this," Billy said, waving around the King of Spades, "is the trump suit."

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