9 - Better For Whom?

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-=₪ April 1922 ₪=-

A.B.C / Bonny Street / 5.57pm

Alfie stood from his captain's desk. Checking his revolver, he tucked it in the front of his trousers and put on both his coats. Malka watched from the other side of the office, perched on the arm of the Chesterfield. The basket of bread and kosher salt sat on the coffee table along with Alfie's cane.

"You are making me nervous, putting both your coats on. Expecting trouble?" she asked.

"No," Alfie replied, putting on his hat over his kippah.

She crossed her arms and tilted her head utterly unconvinced as she continued to observe him. He noticed the change in her demeanour from the corner of his eye.

"Malka." he said calmly, walking over to her, "I'm so confident that all will be well that you could accompany me." he stated, placing his hands on her arms.

She became visibly uncomfortable, uncrossing her arms and shifting her weight about as she brushed Alfie off.

"No. No, I cannot be anywhere near him." she stated with disgust.

Alfie looked to the open office door.

"He is going to be right there, in the Meet." Alfie stated, looking back to Malka.

"Alfie, all I can think about when I look at him is how much I want to set fire to his moustache. I'm thinking that wouldn't be conducive to successful negation talks." she explained emphatically.

"Alright, alright." Alfie said, holding her arms again attempting to comfort.

She settled back on the arm of the Chesterfield and eyed him.

"This was your plan all along, was it not?" she probed, "introduce a common enemy to bring about peace, then banish the enemy so we do not get the escalating issue we had with Kimber. United we stand for a stronger north London."

His eyes flicked to his wife as he sorted the collars to his coats, raising them up on either side of his neck.

"This Tommy has been just as predictable as the rest," she mused, "conducting his business from the ninth bloody circle."

"I'd like to have you there," said Alfie, "when he says he's sorry."

"I know, but I will be right here."

She picked up his cane from the coffee table and handed it to him where Alfie fiddled with it in quiet thought.

"There're men approaching from canal side," said Ollie entering the office.

"Thanks Ollie." replied Malka.

Still fiddling with his cane, Malka approached Alfie and grabbed him firmly by his coat lapels.

"Please, try not to get angry." she said, tugging at them a little, "and best to not mention the South London deal with Elephant and Castle. The issue is North London... and courses," she continued, pulling at his lapels a little more.

Ollie, still stood in the doorway, looked increasingly itchy. Malka turned and picked up the salt gift basket while Alfie adjusted his hat forward and kissed the handle of his cane. Ollie, growing agitated, sighed like a hard done by teenager as he observed Alfie kiss his cane and then Malka.

"Oh, come on!" he whined.

"Yeah alright, bloody hell, keep ya Kippah on." replied Alfie with exasperation and taking the basket from his wife.

Malka watched as Alfie, Ollie and a few additional bakers made their way towards the canal side entrance. When the large iron doors opened, the hinges groaned and echoed throughout the distillery. From the office at the far end, Malka could see Darby Sibini and a few of his men standing in the entrance way. They held a white flag on a pole, while Darby held an Italian flag making her scoff.

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