74 - Whispers Before Dawn

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-=₪ July 1908 ₪=-

Brick Lane / Whitechapel / 1.06pm

The summer sun hammered down on the streets of London, turning the cobblestones warm underfoot. Women waved fans to cool themselves, while the men, ever stoic, merely dabbed at their brows with handkerchiefs.

Malka allowed herself to momentarily bask in the sun's warmth, feeling it soak into her skin. But her attention soon shifted to the window of a nearby pawn shop.

The window displayed a wide assortment of items - musical instruments, radios, cutlery, crockery, and silverware - each one a relic of someone's misfortune, left behind after a loan went unpaid. But it was the jewellery that held Malka's interest.

Even from the outside view, the selection of watches was extensive, complemented by an array of bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. Yet, she had come for something specific. A cheap wooden box caught her eye, overflowing with equally cheap jewellery - listed as a 'job lot.' The pawnbroker wanted to get rid of it, likely considering the pieces within to be worthless fakes, which suited Malka's needs perfectly.

Spotting a particular ring of interest, she entered the small shop and bought the entire box.


Warehouse / Poplar Docks / 3.34pm

"Nice of you to join," Alf quipped as he poured himself a cup of tea.

Still in her nightwear, Caroline quietly closed the bedroom door behind her and nervously tightened the belt of her dressing gown.

Taking a measured sip of his tea, Alf watched her with a heavy brow as she made her way to the table and sat down."Look, I know the bloke's terrifying, but he's gone now, and he won't be back," he said, trying, but failing, to soothe her fears.

"Ya don't know that! He said he'd kill ya, probably both of us," she replied, her voice trembling with tears.

Alf placed his tea down on the side, eyes fixed on her as she fiddled with a handkerchief.

"I want you to stop it, Alf. Stop all of it. Get a proper job, something legal. You're already here; why not be a dock worker?"

He inhaled deeply and shook his head. "That ain't happening."

"If you don't stop, then I'll have to leave, Alf."

"Then leave," he said, crossing his arms.

"You care more about all this than you do about me?"

"This is who I am, and this," he said, gesturing broadly to the warehouse around them, "is what I do. I'd like you to stay, but I won't force you. I'm also not changing for you. You see me as I am. With me, you get this life. If you don't like it, you can go."

She sat in silence for a moment, her thoughts churning.

"Did ya... did ya do it? Whatever it is he--"

"No. Which is why he won't be back."

"What abou' Malka? Could she have done it?"

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

An uncomfortable silence settled between them before Caroline stood and returned to the bedroom.

"Caroline," he called without looking up.

She slowed, turning back to him, her nose red and eyes puffy.

"If... if Sage weren't around anymore, would that... make it better?" he asked, still unable to look at her but keenly interested in her answer.

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