03: My Tears

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Kujou Riku headed straight to his prep room along with Ryo the moment he exited the stage. They had to keep Riku's condition a secret after all. An oxygen bottle and necessary medications were placed neatly on the table, and Riku was longing for them. He wished for the tightness in his chest to ease up and for the pain from attempting to get enough air in his lungs to go away. While not being able to focus on what was going on around him, he saw his manager exiting the room, leaving only a medic tending to him.

Having a medic sitting next to him should be reassuring enough, Riku thought. Although a small part of him wished for Ryo to stay, at least until his breathing became more even. Riku was nothing more than a money-making tool to Ryo, and Riku himself knew that. The idol shouldn't have been hurt by it. In fact, he shouldn't have felt anything at all.

The bitter feeling soon faded once he could take fuller and deeper breaths. The medic examined him one last time to make sure he was alright. Once Riku was left alone, he directed his attention to the screen in front of him. "IDOLiSH6..."

The song "Perfection Gimmick" started a moment ago. So far, IDOLiSH6 was doing well. Even though their movements weren't sharp, the timing was perfect, and so their dance remained in sync throughout the whole song. Riku's hollowed eyes widened when the camera panned to the audience. Smiles. Joy. Happiness. The audience was having a great time, and Riku just couldn't comprehend it. IDOLiSH6's performance was more than mediocre, yet it didn't seem to be standing out. A frown appeared on Riku's face as he kept his gaze on the centre, Izumi Iori.

Why do people like IDOLiSH6?


"Tenn! Oi, Tenn!"

Gaku walked around the studio, searching for his missing centre. Ryuu was also worried. They realised after IDOLiSH6's performance that Tenn left early, but the fact that he never returned to the prep room was pretty unsettling. All TRIGGER members knew how harsh Tenn could be with himself after that mistake.

"*huff huff* I don't see him anywhere, Gaku." Ryuu regrouped with Gaku after searching another half of the studio. Gaku shook his head in response. He also had no luck.


IDOLiSH6 happened to be making their way back to their prep room after their successful performance. Their celebratory mood was toned down by the serious expressions of the TRIGGER members. 

"Oh, is something wrong?" Nagi was the first to raise his concern.

"Have any of you seen Tenn?" Ryuu asked, not hiding his worried tone.

The members of IDOLiSH6 looked at each other's faces before giving TRIGGER a grim answer. Suddenly, Iori felt a tug on his stage clothes. "Let's help them search, Iorin." Tamaki made a suggestion, which Iori agreed on. Each IDOLiSH6 member split up to search inside and around the studio. TRIGGER members were grateful for the help, but it was too early to thank IDOLiSH6 just yet.


"Nanase-san! Nanaaase-saaaan!"

Iori shouted Tenn's name while searching along the hallway of prep rooms. Luckily, most idols had performed and left this wing, so he didn't attract unnecessary attention.


As the high school boy was walking, a voice became clearer and clearer to him. It didn't take long for him to recognise the tune. Someone was singing, and it was IDOLiSH6's "Perfection Gimmick" no less. Iori let curiosity get the better of him by following that mysterious voice. Must be an idol's voice, Iori thought. The pitch was perfect. Not to mention, the voice was too beautiful for just about any person who hummed for fun.

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