14: My Freedom

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Trigger warning: suicide - please proceed with caution if you are sensitive to the said topic


Their victory at JIMA felt unreal when rumours came crashing down on IDOLiSH6: Mitsuki holding the group back, Yamato being a secret lovechild of a famous actor, Nagi being a prince of Northmare and such. The boys were close, but they were just normal human beings, susceptible to their own thoughts and feelings. Those rumours weren't normal. Judging from the amount of information flying around town, they were meant to break the boys apart. Unfortunately, it was working. Relationships between the I6 members wavered.

None of the boys could smile when their president, Otoharu, announced their eligibility to perform at BoW. Instead, they fought. Hard enough for Otoharu to dismiss them. Iori hated it when things did not go to plan. He thought hard about how he could get everyone together again. How lonely it was to be alone in the dorm backyard with just a moon in the sky. Iori never thought the peace and quiet he wished for every day would come like this.


The sound of his phone almost made the high school boy jump. He checked to see the caller ID. The timing couldn't be worse, he thought. Anyway, he picked up. "Hello, Kujou-san."

"Um. Are you...or I6 okay, Iori?"

Ah. Of all the things Kujou Riku had ever said to him, those simple words were rare. Riku was never trained to ask about other people's wellbeing. Not to mention the fact that Riku also had not been in regular contact with Iori, so the centre greatly appreciated the thought. "Honestly, no, but I believe we'll get through it."

"I-" Riku took a pause. He was thinking of how to word things. "I don't know how you or I6 are feeling, but uh, stay strong, okay?"

Those words made Iori feel weak. The boy hugged his knees. "I know, Kujou-san." He hadn't realised how much he needed mental support until now.

"Well then, good night, Iori."

After Iori put his phone in his trousers pocket, he saw a familiar figure entering the area. "Iori..." The shorter boy called his name.

"Nii-san..." He looked at his older brother with eyes that had just lost their fierceness. Mitsuki joined Iori on the bench. The older brother touched the boy's knee.

"Hey, I'm sorry for lashing out at you," spoke Mitsuki in an apologetic tone. Right, the Izumi brothers fought too. Mitsuki was hit hard with that rumour of him holding the group back. He let jealousy get the best of him. His brother was born perfect; why couldn't he be like that too? Never mind that thought now. He loved his brother very much. It would take much more to break them apart.

Iori shook his head before smiling at his brother. It was a wonderful feeling to have Mitsuki back. He would not know how to go on without the support of his dear brother.

"Who were you talking to just now? Was it Riku?"

"Ah." Iori blushed, realising Mitsuki had probably been watching him the whole time. "Yes."

"You like him, don't you?" Mitsuki wrapped his arm around Iori's shoulder, pulling the boy closer. "I saw it. That night, you two were k-"

Iori gasped. "Nothing of the sort! It was him who kissed me not-"

Mitsuki's eyes went wide. "You KISSED?!? I was going to tease you by saying you two were cuddling, but seriously? You two KISSED?!?" His mouth was hanging agape.

"Ah!" Iori, you idiot! You thought too far ahead again. "I'm sorry, Nii-san."

"Baka, why are you sorry?" Mitsuki grabbed both of Iori's shoulders tightly so the boy would face him properly. "Listen, I'm just happy you found someone special. Sure, that kid looks like he's got issues, but he seems like a good kid. I'm sure the others will support you too!" He winked.

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