10: My Past

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"Actually, I must apologise too."

The sun would soon be setting. I6's centre and the solo idol took a stroll along a quiet road. For a while, they didn't say anything to each other. That brief moment of peace was exactly what they needed. When Iori thought he had regained his calm, sharp, and cool self, he spoke his piece. "I've broken our promise." When Riku didn't react, he continued. "By now, other IDOLiSH6 members probably know about your situation."

"I don't mind," Riku replied. "As long as they can keep secrets."

Strangely, Riku felt calm for the first time in a while. His heart yearned for warm light ever since Kimi to I6 Night. With Iori by his side, he felt he was basking in that light. Ah, but how cruel the reality could be to him when the cold, evening wind started blowing harder. With such sensitive bronchial tubes, he went into a small coughing fit.

"Kujou-san? It's getting pretty chilly." Iori took out his phone from his pocket. "Let's get you a taxi."

"Wait, Iori." Riku suddenly grabbed the younger boy's wrist. Just a little longer. He wanted to be with his light for just a little longer. "Won't you come over?"

If anyone could pull off a doll-like pleading look, then it would be Kujou Riku. Seriously, it should have been illegal for a man to be this cute. Iori felt as if he was being hypnotised. Should he not return to the I6 dorm to celebrate with the others? Nope. He wasn't charmed or anything like that. Only because he promised Kujou he would listen to him. Nothing more!

The two remained quiet during their journey back to Kujou's apartment. Quiet enough that Iori could hear Riku's wheezing sound. When they arrived at Riku's apartment, the younger boy wondered if he really should have left the hospital. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"This much I can bear. I'm used to it." Riku let himself sink into the black beanbag in the middle of the living room.

Iori looked around him. Riku's large apartment barely had anything other than necessary furniture. Well, and books. How lifeless. "Should you really be pushing yourself this much?" He asked while exploring what was around him.

"What other choice do I have?"

Iori paused. That bitter tone again. Never mind exploring, he sat on a couch where he could see Riku's face clearly.

"Every time I think about that night I sang with you, my chest hurts without knowing why." Riku avoided eye contact with his friend. "I'm supposed to be a heartless puppet, but I miss having feelings. What choice do I have but to keep dancing? When I perform, nothing else matters. It makes my chest hurt just as much, but at least it feels right to do so. I can make people smile too." The tired idol smiled for a brief moment before it vanished from his face. "Not you. Not Tenn-nii, though. "

"Kujou-san, are you an idiot?" Iori sighed. "How do you expect someone to be happy when they see how much you're hurting?"

"Iori?" Riku seemed surprised. "I don't follow."

"Finding comfort in what you do is good and all, but you're still running away from your unconcealed feelings." Iori shook his head. "At this rate, you'll burn yourself out. I don't know about Nanase-san, but this is the future I see."

"Then, then what am I supposed to do, Iori?"

"If I give you an order, I won't be so different from Kujou Takamasa. I suppose I can advise you though. " The high school boy thought long and hard before speaking, knowing Riku would take anything he said to heart. "When you feel overwhelmed, talk to me."

"Then I'll end up bothering yo-"

Iori chuckled. "Who do you think I am? A perfect high school student can handle a task so simple."

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