17: My Worth

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"I can't do that, Iori."

Riku was given the green light to go home the next morning. The problem was, he didn't have a home to go to. Not when his adoptive father texted him, telling him to move out of his apartment. Well, Takamasa had his rights since that apartment belonged to him.

"I have no need for a failure like you," was the last message Takamasa sent to Riku. Actually being told he was disowned left the boy pretty shaken, but now that he had hit rock bottom, nothing could hurt him that much more. He knew he would end up crying at some point, or not. He would have plenty of free time for that later.

"Don't be ridiculous, Kujou-san." Of course, Iori would be there for his boyfriend. They were sitting on a bench in a relatively quiet area. Tenn, unfortunately, was caught up with his work. "Where are you going to stay if you won't stay with us?"

Riku shook his head in denial. Several bad rumours about Kujou Riku were flying around. He couldn't possibly put I6 at risk, especially when they were always nice to him. Riku grabbed Iori's wrist. "I know you're trying to help." He looked at Iori with lifeless eyes. Riku's brain was probably telling him to shut down his emotions to protect himself from pain; to allow him to function. Iori appreciated that Riku tried to tell him that he was grateful, but it was not really a good time for bonding when they had a problem to solve.

"M-maybe Yuki-san and Momo-san will help me," spoke Riku after a short moment of silence.

Iori shot Riku a questioning look. "You said you met them when you were overseas. Were you close?" The situation could be very awkward if they weren't.

"Um," Riku thought for a while. "They used to take me here and there. Father allowed them to stay over too, once or twice."

"Alright. Guess we can try them." Not like they have much of a choice, Iori thought.


"Riku!" Momo stopped cleaning glasses at the bar and rushed to Riku the instant he saw the redhead. He squeezed Riku's shoulders. "You poor thing, are you okay? I can't believe they did that, gosh!" Yuki soon walked over to them with a slightly more worried look than usual. Before long, they sat down in the room upstairs where Iori and Riku dined a few days ago.

"I see." Yuki nodded in understanding after Iori took care of explaining the situation.

"So you need a place to stay, huh?" Momo thought, but only for half a second. He then smiled and winked at Riku. "Of course, you can stay with us!"

"You didn't even ask me." Yuki eyed Momo expectantly.

"Darling, you were going to say yes anyway, right?" Momo shuffled closer to Yuki, snuggling comfortably. "I can totally read your mind."

"You never fail to amaze me, Momo," Yuki responded. Iori thought perhaps letting Riku stay here was a mistake. Their personalities were way too unique. It took everything in him to not say they were weirdos. Iori turned to look at Riku, who sat perfectly still.

Then again, this idiot is also 'unique'. Iori sighed.

Finally, Yuki gave his final confirmation. "You can stay at our house, but on one condition." He looked at Momo. Together they extended their hands out towards Riku and spoke, "You have to work at our cafe!"

"Hah?" Iori covered his mouth with his hand in surprise. "If you put this guy in a kitchen, he'll-"

"Smash the plates?" Momo shrugged his shoulders. "Yea, I've seen that."

Iori's mouth hung agape.

"Riku-kun won't be in the kitchen," Yuki answered in his usual composed manner. After that, he got up and told everyone to follow him downstairs. They were taken to one corner of the cafe consisting of what could be considered a stage, except it was a tiny, circular one. There was a microphone stand on it.

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