04: My Decision

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During the week after his appearance at Music Festa, Kujou Riku carried out his idol duty as usual. According to Tsukumo, some companies and shows started contacting the agency, requesting Riku's appearance. Seemed like a way to go for his career.

This morning, Riku acted in an energy drink commercial. They saw Riku's fiery appearance at Music Festa and thought his image would suit their theme perfectly. Riku's acting exceeded their expectations since he could summon any expression they asked for while filming. Ryo was happily gaining his money and reputation.

"Kujou trained his dog well, I see." Ryo kept chatting away while driving Riku back to his apartment after work. "He must be a nice man. Taking a sickly boy in, making sure his parents are well-fed, and so on." Ryo used his free hand to brush Riku's face. "In return, you sing and dance for your father. Oh, how simple your life must be." As usual, he kept his super sarcastic tone.

The solo idol remained silent, perhaps a little lost in thought. What Ryo said was true; Riku was merely Kujou's puppet. He sold his emotions to save his family. Was the sacrifice really worth it, though? In the end, he ended up innocently hurting his twin brother. Was this truly the path he should be taking? Ugh, as if he had any choice.

Riku spotted a piece of paper on the table when he entered his apartment. He grabbed it and stared intently at its content. Perhaps his life path could take a turn if he did something he was not supposed to do. One such as Kujou Riku should not care about anything other than his instructions. Kujou Riku should not have any feelings, curiosity included. So what if he was just a tad bit intrigued by Izumi Iori's phone number in his hand? So what if he acted on that tiny whim? He could probably understand more about life in general. The solo idol fully understood the risk if he was to dial that number on his phone. If his adoptive father were to know that he was being naughty, his family could be in danger. Izumi Iori could be caught up in this as well.

Riku thought long and hard. Finally, his human self became victorious over his puppet self. A kind-hearted soul like Riku couldn't bring himself to hurt anyone anymore, especially his beloved Tenn-nii. If being his current self would somehow continue to hurt his precious brother, then he would like to change. The number in Riku's hand was his chance, and a big one too.

And so, Riku grabbed his phone and dialled that number.

"Iori. This is Kujou Riku."


Iori did not know what to expect when he hardly knew anything about Kujou Riku, so he tried not to overthink things. He agreed to meet Kujou at a cafe nearby. After all, he was the one who gave the hurting idol that number. Once he got there, he headed straight to the private room where Riku was sitting and sipping his tea.

"I am quite surprised that an unfriendly agency like Tsukumo would let their talent hang out casually with an idol from another agency." Iori sat down and started his 'interrogation' his own way.

"They don't. Father also would never approve this, so please keep this meeting secret, Iori," replied Riku in a neutral tone.

Iori ignored the fact that Riku was already calling him by his first name after having just met each other since it likely wasn't the point of this meeting. "Father?"

Riku began by explaining how he was adopted by Kujou Takamasa, how they made a deal about making sure Riku's parents would live a life of luxury, and how Riku was trained to adapt or react to situations while keeping his true feelings suppressed.

"I see. Basically, you are Kujou's puppet." This was what Iori concluded after listening to Riku's story, and hell, it was depressing. Not that Iori was the type to be honest with his feelings. He actually sympathised with Riku to a certain degree. 'I was trained to hide my emotions, but it looks like I can't hide what I don't have,' Iori recalled the words Riku said the other day at Music Festa. As Iori had seen then, Riku definitely had feelings. Although, after years and years of not being allowed to show them, the solo idol probably had learned to automatically ignore them completely because they did not matter.

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